How Influence Is(Not) Always Derived From An Authoritative Position
When considering the Shunammite women in II Kings 4:8-37, we find that this woman’s influence with her husband and within the marketplace, surpassed the gender roles of that time. She urged her husband to be hospitable toward the prophet Elisha, which in turn resulted in the birth and eventual healing of her son.
Is influence always derived from an authoritative position? Does influence truly make a leader, even if it’s contrary to societal norms? At what point does influence become authority?
Read II Kings 4:8-37.
Read Chapter 3 in the textbook by Scott – Dare Mighty Things
Write 1-2 pages, double-spaced, reflecting on the story of the Shunammite woman.
Paul said in Romans 3:23, “…for we have all sinned and [fallen] short of the glory of God.”
Sometimes, we succumb to outside influence that leads us down the wrong path. How can your past mistakes inspire others to lean solely on the leadership of Jesus Christ?
Identify those voices in your life that have positively influenced your spiritual walk and how you have benefited from their leadership.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. Use of APA format is required.
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