The Characteristics Of The Taxonomy Of Ravens
Describe the characteristics of the taxonomy of your animal. In other words, explain what phylum, class, order, family, genus and species it belongs in and explain the significance of each taxon. Why does this animal belong in this phylum, class, order, family etc.? What are the characteristics of this phylum, class, order, family etc.? Describe in detail the external and internal anatomy of the animal that you picked, and then write about its comparative anatomy. In other words, compare and contrast the anatomy of your animal with other animals that we learned about this semester. Describe the ecological factors associated with your animal such as, where it lives, what are some unique adaptations that it has that has allowed it to be successful in it’s environment, what is it’s ecological niche, what are some symbiotic relationships that it has, what are it’s predators and prey, where does it live, how does it reproduce, and how are humans impacted by this animal?(The Animal is a Raven)
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