Theme Of Death In “Because I Could Not Stop For Death” And “I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died-” Poems

Theme Of Death In “Because I Could Not Stop For Death” And “I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died-” Poems


The assignment is to write about two stories or two or more poems in terms of a connecting theme. You can write an entire paper on two stories from O’Connor or two or more poems from Dickenson or two poems of Billy Collins or “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”(this poem is long enough to count as two poems), or you can compare two stories or two poems from two different authors.

The paper should also state a theme that foregrounds some literary concept. In the case of short stories, some useful concepts are character  and symbolism. In the case of poems, it is figures of speech, primarily metaphor.

This paper will also involve the use of at least two secondary sources.  While a primary source is the story or poem itself, a secondary source is an article in a scholarly journal written about your chosen stories or poems. These can be found using the search engine for journals, which can be accessed through the BMCC library system.Instead, use the spring break to decide on your primary sources—in other words, what stories or poems you will be writing about—and what concept you want to use to connect the two works.

All secondary sources must be cited using M.L.A. citation. There must also be a works cited sheet listing primary and secondary sources.

The paper is to be 4-6 pages typed, double-spaced, twelve-point type, one-inch margins, stapled, with a title. Clearly state theme in intro. Divide your paper into clearly delineated paragraphs with topics.

Plagiarizing on the research paper will result in failure for the class. The idea of a research paper is to integrate other people’s ideas into your argument, but you must not present these ideas as your own.

The paper requires two or more primary sources. In this case, they will be the poems of Emily Dickenson. The first poem is “I Heard a Fly Buzz-when I died-” and the second poem is “Because I could not stop for Death”. The paper should also state a theme that foregrounds some literary concept. The theme I’ve chosen is Death and the literary concepts could be symbolism and metaphor.

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