Older Adult Health and Social Issues Paper
Complete the Older Adult Health and Social Issue Paper. The purpose of this assignment is threefold: 1) to explore a health issue impacting older adults 2) explain the social implications of this health issue 3) promote awareness of the issues to practitioners. Address the following in this paper:
Part 1: Biological
Describe a health issue older adults face and address whether this is part of normal or abnormal aging.
Thoroughly and critically review the relevant treatment, intervention, and evidence-based practice for treating this health issue.
Part 2: Social
Address the social challenges older adults encounter with this health issue, and discuss the particular strengths and resources they may bring to these challenges.
Part 3: Professional Assistance
Discuss how skilled workers should be aware of the health issue and its implications, and chose one to two frameworks or theories that can be used to assess and intervene with an older adult who has this health issue. Suggest specific helping strategies that professionals should employ in working with those impacted by this social problem and what your reasoning is for your selection.
Papers should be 10 pages in length and written in APA style. Base your research on a minimum of 8 scholarly articles. You may use government websites for policy information but they count as supplemental sources, not part of the required journal articles.
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