Why Students Should(Not) Be Allowed To Have/Use Cell Phones In Class
Choose one of the following topics:
- Homework for Kids (K-8)?
- Academics or Athletics?
- How can we fix the financial aid problem?
- Year-round school or summer breaks?
- Should students be allowed to have/use cell phones in class?
After you have selected a topic, brainstorm what you already know about this topic and what you still need to learn. Create a thesis statement (claim), and topic sentences of each body paragraph (general pieces of evidence to support the thesis).
Write a 5-page MLA-formatted essay in Toulmin* structure (claim, qualifier, reasons, warrants, backing, evidence, authority, conditions of rebuttal, responses to those rebuttal conditions). Do not cite, quote or paraphrase research sources, but you may use reference materials (such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, videos, and even Wikipedia) to augment your knowledge of the topic. Be careful to avoid committing fallacies. Please be sure to highlight and comment each of the elements of Toulmin in your own essay.
Organization and Formatting
The ideas of the essay need to flow smoothly together. Remember to transition between ideas when moving body paragraphs/ideas. The essay will be written in Times New Roman size 12 font and will be double-spaced, use 1-inch margins,
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