Systematic Racism In The Law Enforcement Sector

Systematic Racism In The Law Enforcement Sector


Research Paper Requirements

You will be required to submit a research paper analyzing and supporting a stance in agreement or opposition on one of the topics listed below:

  • In mid-March, authorities at correctional institutions began implementing measures to mitigate the risk of infection for inmates and correctional staff. Some of those efforts included early release for inmates who were nearing their sentence, are elderly, have chronic illnesses, or are being held on low bail amounts.  Is this justice for victims?  What about younger, healthier inmates?
  • Is there actually systematic racism in the law enforcement sector? Does the data disprove the theory or support it? Is the data simply just not accurate?
  • Have stay at home orders impacted crime? If so how and what data supports that? Are violent Crimes more prevalent?
  • What is the biggest reason for the shortage of police officers? Wages, social environment, change in culture, other professions are more competitive in recruiting? Is officer retention and issue and why?

The body of your paper should contain (2) parts. First, brief the issue. Second, make your argument supporting or disputing the issue with facts, data, academic research, etc.

Research Paper Specific Requirements:

Minimum 800 words in the body of the paper (citations excluded from word count)
1-inch margins only
12-point font
Single spaced lines
No blank lines between paragraphs in the same section
Must have references/bibliography
APA format
Must cite (2) reliable and academically accepted sources
No title page required. Insert Title and Student Name at the top left corner of the page.

Examples of accepted resources: peer reviewed journals, books, scholarly works, etc.
Examples of non-acceptable resources: blogs, websites such as Wikipedia, etc.

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