November 2020

Air Pollution and Climate Change

Air Pollution and Climate Change [ad_1] 1. Introduction: Your introduction introduces the problem, raises your level-3 question, and announces your argument. It needs to be at least a paragraph and include the thesis. The question being answered by your paper’s argument needs to be clearly stated, either as an explicit question or a very clearly […]

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Describing Fundamental Statistical Concepts

Describing Fundamental Statistical Concepts [ad_1] Assignment Content Describing fundamental statistical concepts—and the interpretation of these statistical applications for an appropriate design selection and accurate statistical analysis—is a critical skill for doctoral students completing a dissertation. Reviewing some prior doctoral dissertations helps to hone these analytical skills and capabilities. Locate 2 or 3 prior doctoral dissertations

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How could important tenets of 19th-Century Transcendentalism Apply to an Issue Facing Modern-day Society

How could important tenets of 19th-Century Transcendentalism Apply to an Issue Facing Modern-day Society [ad_1] In a 750-1000 word essay (roughly 3-4 pages) address the following prompt: How could important tenets of 19th-century Transcendentalism apply to an issue facing modern-day society? In other words: how would a traditional Transcendentalist apply major tenets to a problem

How could important tenets of 19th-Century Transcendentalism Apply to an Issue Facing Modern-day Society Read More »

ICT and Education

ICT and Education [ad_1] Based on the Facer & Sandford (2010) article that you read for Session 12, compose a blog post thinking 25 years into the future. Considering what could happen in the year 2045: Write down 1 scenario from the Facer & Sandford (2010) article that you think is viable. Write down 2

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