CIPD Candidate AssessmentActivity
© CIPD Training in partnership with Home Learning College 2016
CIPD Candidate AssessmentActivity
Title of unit/s | Managing the L&D business function |
Unit No/s | 5LBF |
Level | 5 |
Credit value | 6 |
Assessment method(s) | 1. Presentation and notespages 2. L&D plan |
Learning outcomes: 1 Understand the evolving nature, purpose and business improvement activities of the learning and development function in contemporary organisations. 2 Understand different models for delivering the learning and development function. 3 Be able to manage different aspects of the learning and development function. |
Assessment brief/activity | Assessment |
Criteria | |
Activity 1 | |
You have applied for a position as an L&D manager and have been invited for | |
interview.Aspartoftheselectionprocessyouhavebeenaskedtogivethepanela | |
presentationonyourunderstandingoftheL&Dfunction,differentdeliverymodels | |
and if appointed, how you would manage the function based on the updated job | |
descriptionprovidedwhenyouwereshort-listed.Inyourpresentation,youshould: | |
• Identify the key purposes of the L&D function in organisations. You should includeinyournotespageshowthishasevolvedoverthelastfiveyears. |
1.1 |
• Identifyatleastthree L&Dactivities thatcontributetobusiness improvement. | 1.2 |
• Compare and contrast at least three different roles in L&D. | 1.3 |
• Present a critical assessment of the relative merits of at least three different models of delivering L&D services. |
2.1 |
• Explain at leastfourofthekeyroles andresponsibilities of anL&Dmanager. | 3.1 |
• Give at least three examples of howyou have or would provideleadership, | 3.3 |
guidance and support to members of an L&D team. |
© CIPD Training in partnership with Home Learning College 2016
Activity 2 You have also been asked to devise and provide to the panel, an example of a one year L&D plan. Your plan should include: • AtleastthreeL&Dobjectivesandkeyactivitieswithtimelinesforachievingthese. • Successindicatorsforeachobjectiveandplanformonitoringandevaluation • Any additional resourcesrequired Projected costsof deliveryof theplanwith a set of assumptions (you only need to include additional costs in the plan i.e. not current staffing or indirect costs) |
3.2 |
Evidence to be produced/required Activity 1 A set of slides (or equivalent) and notes pages sufficient for a 30-minute presentation of 1,500 words +/- 10%. Activity 2 A costed outline L&D plan – real or imaginary (anonymised if based on your own organisation) of 1,500 words +/- 10%. All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count). |
5LBF Learning Outcomes | Assessment Criteria |
1 Understand the evolving nature, purpose and business improvement activities of the learning and development function in contemporary organisations. |
1.1 Discuss the key purposes of the learning and development function in organisations. |
1.2 Identifyarangeoflearninganddevelopment activities that can contribute to business improvement. |
1.3 Compareandcontrastdifferentrolesinlearning and development. |
2 Understand different models for delivering the learning and development function. |
2.1 Criticallyassesstherelativemeritsofdifferent models for delivering the learning and development function. |
3 Be able to manage different aspects of the learning and development function. |
3.1 Discuss the key roles and responsibilities of learningand developmentmanagers. |
3.2 Develop a coherent and costed learning and development plan |
3.3 Provide leadership, guidance and support to membersofthelearninganddevelopment team. |
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