CIPD Candidate AssessmentActivity

CIPD Candidate AssessmentActivity


© CIPD Training in partnership with Home Learning College 2016
CIPD Candidate AssessmentActivity

Title of unit/s Managing the L&D business function
Unit No/s 5LBF
Level 5
Credit value 6
Assessment method(s) 1. Presentation and notespages
2. L&D plan
Learning outcomes:
1 Understand the evolving nature, purpose and business improvement activities of the learning and
development function in contemporary organisations.
2 Understand different models for delivering the learning and development function.
3 Be able to manage different aspects of the learning and development function.
Assessment brief/activity Assessment
Activity 1
You have applied for a position as an L&D manager and have been invited for
and if appointed, how you would manage the function based on the updated job
• Identify the key purposes of the L&D function in organisations. You should
• Identifyatleastthree L&Dactivities thatcontributetobusiness improvement. 1.2
• Compare and contrast at least three different roles in L&D. 1.3
• Present a critical assessment of the relative merits of at least three different
models of delivering L&D services.
• Explain at leastfourofthekeyroles andresponsibilities of anL&Dmanager. 3.1
• Give at least three examples of howyou have or would provideleadership, 3.3
guidance and support to members of an L&D team.

© CIPD Training in partnership with Home Learning College 2016

Activity 2
You have also been asked to devise and provide to the panel, an example of a one
year L&D plan. Your plan should include:
• AtleastthreeL&Dobjectivesandkeyactivitieswithtimelinesforachievingthese.
• Successindicatorsforeachobjectiveandplanformonitoringandevaluation
• Any additional resourcesrequired
Projected costsof deliveryof theplanwith a set of assumptions (you only need to
include additional costs in the plan i.e. not current staffing or indirect costs)
Evidence to be produced/required
Activity 1
A set of slides (or equivalent) and notes pages sufficient for a 30-minute presentation of
1,500 words +/- 10%.
Activity 2
A costed outline L&D plan – real or imaginary (anonymised if based on your own organisation) of
1,500 words +/- 10%.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate
(these should be excluded from the word count).
5LBF Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1 Understand the evolving nature, purpose and
business improvement activities of the learning
and development function in contemporary
1.1 Discuss the key purposes of the learning and
development function in organisations.
1.2 Identifyarangeoflearninganddevelopment
activities that can contribute to business
1.3 Compareandcontrastdifferentrolesinlearning
and development.
2 Understand different models for delivering the
learning and development function.
2.1 Criticallyassesstherelativemeritsofdifferent
models for delivering the learning and
development function.
3 Be able to manage different aspects of the
learning and development function.
3.1 Discuss the key roles and responsibilities of
learningand developmentmanagers.
3.2 Develop a coherent and costed learning and
development plan
3.3 Provide leadership, guidance and support to

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