Leading and Managing the HR Project

Leading and Managing the HR Project


Week 5 Assignment – Leading and Managing the HR Project


Continuing from the previous assignment, it is now important to consider your approach to leading and managing your HR project. Tightly structured projects tend to restrict cross-organizational communication. As such, objectives originate at the top of the project and are subdivided as they are passed down, resulting in little opportunity for creative contributions. Effective leadership and managing of the project can greatly improve communication and team contributions.


Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
1.Select two types of project management power that would be relevant to your current project, and explain your rationale. ◦Be specific.

2.Identify and briefly discuss a minimum of four outcomes (possible issues) resulting from managing projects, and address how you might resolve the issues. Be clear with your rationale.
3.Discuss two increased challenges a project manager may face when leading virtual or global project teams.
4.Recommend three strategies to deal with the challenges.
5.Identify and explain your overall plan for communication management during the project. The plan must be comprehensive and at a minimum address structure, purpose, method, and timing.
6.Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
•Examine types of manager power, how to resolve common management challenges, and how to manage team communication.



Be sure to incorporate the information provided in Instructor Insights. Apply the topics to the Case Study: Centralization of HR Project at WorkSafe, Inc. and write as if you are the project manager talking to your team preliminary to approval to start the project.


In addition to the library references mentioned above in the instructions, be sure to always rely on and cite the official class textbook – Kloppenborg 4e.




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