Academic Communication in Science (WACS100)
Macquarie University International College 1
Academic Communication in Science (WACS100)
Unit Name: | Academic Communication in Science | Unit Code: | WACS100 | ||
Assessment Task: |
Information Report & Reflection |
Topic of social concern: |
Refer to instructions for your assigned issue |
Total word count: |
1200 words |
Total Marks: |
100 | Weighting: | See Unit Guide |
Due: | See Unit Guide |
Students are expected to produce an Information Report for an academic audience
outlining a major issue about a topic of social concern. The text should also indicate
potential areas for further research.
1. Information Report (1000 words)
An Information Report requires both a critical analysis and synthesis of
information already published and a presentation of your position on your assigned
issue. It requires you to:
• critically analyse the issue and identify major factors
• suggest solutions and explain the reasoning supporting them
• explain methodology/analysis when necessary
• clearly link your recommendations to your analysis
It should have 3 main sections: an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
2. Reflection Paragraph (100-150 words)
The purpose of this task is to encourage you to reflect on your own writing and on
steps required to avoid plagiarism. To complete this task, you will need to submit
the draft of the Information Report to Turnitin at least 24 hours prior to the due
date. Take a screenshot of your submission to record the match overview which
should be less than 10%. If the match overview is greater than 10%, look at the
Information Report and see where you can make changes to reduce the score.
In your Reflection you will need to include the following:
1. The match overview
2. The steps you took to avoid/address plagiarism
Macquarie University International College 2
Engineering and Infrastructure • Outline the main issues involved in the construction of transportation tunnels and related pollution and indicate one area where further research is necessary. Justify your selection of this area. • Include two figures such as diagrams or tables. • Add a Reference List using the Harvard referencing style. Readings: AECOM Australia Pty Ltd 2014, Environmental Impact Statement: NorthConnex Submissions and preferred infrastructure report, Sydney, section 2.4-2.7 (pp. 51-99) [Report section]. Baria, S & Naserb J 2010, ‘Simulation of airflow and pollution levels caused by severe traffic jam in a road tunnel’, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 70–77. Bubbico, R, Di Cave, S, Mazzarotta, B & Silvetti, B 2009, ‘Preliminary study on the transport of hazardous materials through tunnels’, Accident Analysis &Prevention, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1199–1205. 1 further self-selected reading that is different to those of other members of your group |
Genetically Modified Crops • Outline the main issues involved in the debate over the use of genetically modification (GM) technology in crops and indicate one area where further research is necessary. Justify your selection of this area. • Include two figures such as diagrams or tables. • Add a Reference List using the Harvard referencing style. Readings: Krishna, VV & Qaim, M 2012, ‘Bt cotton and sustainability of pesticide reductions in India’, Agricultural Systems, vol. 107, pp. 47-55. Thompson, J 2008, ‘The role of biotechnology for agricultural sustainability in Africa’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, vol. 363, pp. 905–913. World Bank 2007, World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for development, Washington: World Bank, pp. 156-179. [Report section] 1 further self-selected reading that is different to those of other members of your group |
Information and Communications Technology • Outline the main security issues involved in Information and Communication technology and indicate one area where further research is necessary. Justify your selection of this area. • Include two figures such as diagrams or tables • Add a Reference List using the Harvard referencing style |
Macquarie University International College 3
Readings: Attard, J, Orlandi, F, Scerri, S & Auer, S 2015, ‘A systematic review of open government data initiatives’, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 32, pp. 399- 418. Heeks, R 2010, ‘Do information and communication technologies (ICTs) contribute to development?’, Journal of International Development, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 625–640. NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation 2015, Digital + 2016 NSW Government ICT Strategy Final Update, Sydney. [Report section] 1 further self-selected reading that is different to those of other members of your group |
Renewable Energy • Outline the main issues involved in increasing the use of renewable energy and indicate one area where further research is necessary. Justify your selection of this area. • Include two figures such as diagrams or tables • Add a Reference List using the Harvard referencing style Readings: Australian Government Department of Industry, Geoscience Australia, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics 2014, Australian Energy Resource Assessment, pp. 9-35. [Report section] Hall, NL 2014, ‘Can the “Social Licence to Operate” Concept Enhance Engagement and Increase Acceptance of Renewable Energy? A Case Study of Wind Farms in Australia’ Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, vol. 28, pp. 219- 238. Krozer, Y 2013, ‘Cost and benefit of renewable energy in the European Union’, Renewable Energy, vol. 50, pp. 68-73. 1 further self-selected reading that is different to those of other members of your group |
This is an individual task.
Add a footer to each page of the assignment. The footer should include: student name and
student number, the unit code and page number. For example:
Robin Brown 40112233 WACS100 Page 1
All assignments should have standard margins of 2.5cm, be written in Times New Roman 12
font, and be double-spaced to allow room for detailed feedback. Please note that if the
assignment is single-spaced you will not receive detailed feedback.
Macquarie University International College 4
1. Bring a hard copy of your draft to class on the Draft Submission due date. After the
peer review session and while still in class, upload your draft via the Turnitin link in
2. Open the Turnitin report take a screenshot and save it on your computer (you can use
the Snipping Tool in Windows). This will be used for the Reflection paragraph.
3. The match overview must be 10% or less. If your score is greater than 10%, look
at the overview and see where you can make changes to reduce your score.
4. You may make several submissions via Turnitin to check your work for plagiarism
and make adjustments accordingly up until the due date. Note: While the initial
report will be created straight away, subsequent submissions require 24 hours for the
report to be created.
5. Make a note of the steps that you take to avoid / address plagiarism as you will need
this for the Reflection paragraph.
6. Submit the final Information Report to Turnitin before the final submission date. If
you submit after the due date, your submission will be counted as a late submission
and penalties will apply (see Late Submissions section below).
You must check that your submission is displayed on iLearn after submitting it. When you
successfully submit your assignment in Turnitin, you will see a message that confirms receipt
of the assignment and includes the submission time and date. If you experience any
problems with online submission, you must:
1. Take a screenshot of the error message that is displayed
2. Contact your teacher immediately via email advising him/her of the problem. You
must attach the screenshot to this email.
If you cannot access or view your submission via Turnitin in iLearn after you have submitted
it, you have not correctly submitted your work.
If you require assistance submitting through Turnitin, you may lodge a OneHelp Ticket or
refer to the IT help page. Please take a screenshot to include with any requests for assistance.
Late submissions are possible but will be penalised according to the rules stipulated
in the Unit Guide. If you submit an assessment task 3 or more days after the due
date without grounds for special consideration (See Special Consideration Policy), a
record of submission will be made but you will receive zero marks for the assessment
Macquarie University International College 5
You are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for the purpose of
assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.
Grades and feedback will be available to you via Turnitin on iLearn.
Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting
them as your own without clear acknowledgement of the source constitutes Plagiarism and
thus is considered a breach of Macquarie University’s Academic Integrity Policy. This policy
requires that:
• All academic work claimed as original must be the work of the person making the
• All academic collaborations of any kind must be acknowledged
• Academic work must not be falsified in any way
• When the ideas of others are used, these sources must be acknowledged in
accordance with the guidelines of a referencing system
All breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are serious and penalties apply. You should
be aware that you may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be excluded from the
University for breaching the Academic Integrity Policy.
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