ACC566 – Acc Systems and Processes
ACC566 – Acc Systems and Processes
Table of Contents
Subject Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Subject Coordinator …………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Subject Coordinator ……………………………………………………………………………………..2
Consultation procedures ………………………………………………………………………………2
Subject Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
Learning outcomes……………………………………………………………………………………….3
Subject content ……………………………………………………………………………………………3
Key subjects…………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Subject Schedule & Delivery ……………………………………………………………………………………..3
Prescribed text……………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Class/tutorial times and location …………………………………………………………………..4
Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Learning materials………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Learning, teaching and support strategies ……………………………………………………..5
Recommended student time commitment …………………………………………………….8
Assessment Items …………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Essential requirements to pass this subject…………………………………………………….8
Items …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Assignment 1……………………………………………………………………………………9
Assignment 2………………………………………………………………………………….17
Plagiarism Quiz ………………………………………………………………………………29
Final Exam ……………………………………………………………………………………..29
Assessment Information …………………………………………………………………………………………33
Academic integrity ……………………………………………………………………………………..33
How to submit your assessment items …………………………………………………………34
Online submission process………………………………………………………………34
Postal submission process ………………………………………………………………34
Hand delivered submission process …………………………………………………34
Alternative submission process ……………………………………………………….34
How to apply for special consideration…………………………………………………………35
Penalties for late submission……………………………………………………………………….35
Resubmission …………………………………………………………………………………………….36
Feedback processes ……………………………………………………………………………………36
Assessment return………………………………………………………………………………………36
Student Feedback & Learning Analytics ……………………………………………………………………36
Evaluation of subjects …………………………………………………………………………………36
Changes and actions based on student feedback ………………………………………….36
Learning analytics ………………………………………………………………………………………36
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Services & Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………37
Develop your study skills …………………………………………………………………………….37
Library Services ………………………………………………………………………………………….37
CSU Policies & Regulations………………………………………………………………………………………37
Subject Outline as a reference document……………………………………………………..37
Subject Summary
ACC566 – Acc Systems and Processes
Session 1 2019
Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
School of Accounting and Finance
Internal Mode
Credit Points 8
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s
Acknowledgement of Country (
Subject Coordinator
Subject Coordinator To be advised
Consultation procedures
Any questions concerning the teaching of this subject can be made by contacting your Subject
Lecturer: Sajjad Khan
Email is the best option. Please send a brief message regarding the issue and include the
subject name and subject code in your email – it really helps to know which class you belong
to, before I respond to your query. If your query is urgent then meet with your respective
Course Coordinator at Level 4, 30 Church Lane.
Class times and location
General Timetable as below will be available at the following website before the start of
201890 semester, which can be accessed on any Mobile Phone or IPAD:
Subject Overview
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This subject introduces students to the accounting discipline in an integrated manner dealing
with financial accounting and developing and applying critical thinking, information
technology and communication skills. The subject provides the basis for an iterative and spiral
approach to accounting, exposing students to areas of accounting including accounting as an
information system, ethics, business communication and report writing, computer
applications, the accounting cycle, financial reports and the fundamentals of management
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
• be able to apply conceptual and technical aspects of accounting and prepare relevant
business financial statements;
• be able to discuss the historical development of accounting;
• be able to appraise the use of information technology including spreadsheet sofware
in accounting problem solving, and evaluate the Internet as a professional resource;
• be able to demonstrate relevant business communication skills including report
• be able to contextualise and evaluate accounting information for decision making
purposes; and
• be able to explain the importance of ethics in accounting.
Subject content
See details in the schedule below.
Key subjects
Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your
course. You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first
time you fail a key subject you will be at risk of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be
excluded from the course.
The Academic Progress Policy ( sets out
the requirements and procedures for satisfactory academic progress, for the exclusion of
students who fail to progress satisfactorily and for the termination of enrolment for students
who fail to complete in the maximum allowed time.
Subject Schedule & Delivery
Prescribed text
The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student
Portal Textbooks ( page.
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Nobles, T.L., Mattison, B.L., Matsumura, E.M., Best, P., Fraser, D., Tan, R., Willett, R. (2015).
Horngren’s Accounting (8e). Pearson Australia.
ISBN 9781486018000
The textbook details are available online at:
We recommend that you acquire the ‘bundle pack’ of the text that comes with
‘MyAccountingLab’ and ‘e-text’. ‘MyAccountingLab’ has a number of resources to assist
students, including practice tests, revision exercises and problems. To access these resources,
you will need the access code which comes with the text ‘bundle pack’.
When you log on to ‘MyAccountingLab’ you will also need the ‘course code’. The code will
be provided to students at the start of the session.
Class/tutorial times and location
Your class times can be found at Timetable @ CSU ( Find out
how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class Timetable
( page.
4 March 2019 | Topic 1: The history of accounting, introduction to ethics, and the role of accounting in business |
11 March 2019 | Topic 2: Recording business transactions | |
18 March 2019 | Topic 3: The adjusting process | |
25 March 2019 | Topic 4: Completing the accounting cycle | |
1 April 2019 | Topic 5: Retail operations | Assignment 1 due 5 April 2019 |
8 April 2019 | Mid-session break | Plagiarism Quiz due 14 April 2019 |
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15 April 2019 | Mid-session break | |
22 April 2019 | Topic 6: Retail inventory | |
29 April 2019 | Topic 7: Internal controls and cash | |
6 May 2019 | Topic 8: Non-current assets – property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
13 May 2019 | Topic 9: Receivables | Assignment 2 due 13 May 2019 |
20 May 2019 | Topic 10: Introduction to management accounting and the master budget |
27 May 2019 | Revision | |
3 June 2019 | Revision | |
10-21 June 2019 |
Exam Period |
*The learning activities for each topic include:
1. Reviewing the:
– Topic student guide in Interact ‘Topics’,
– Topic PowerPoint slides.
2. Completing the:
– Textbook readings and other prescribed readings as directed in the ‘Topic’ study guide,
– Review questions and activities as detailed in the Interact ‘Topic’ study guide.
Learning materials
Details of learning materials that support your success in this subject can be found in the
Interact2 Subject Site.
Learning, teaching and support strategies
All of your subject material is available on the Interact site under the ‘Topics’ and ‘Resources’
links in the lef hand side menu. I suggest that for each topic, you read the learning outcomes
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and overview, read the sections of the text and other readings as directed, and use the
resources available in MyAccountingLab. You should then attempt the review questions and
activities selected for each topic.
In this subject, there are many opportunities for you to engage with me and your peers as we
work our way through the subject. Other than regular classes, the ‘Discussion Board’ on
Interact provides opportunity to engage and learn from your peers, discuss the content of the
subject, and ask me any questions that you have in relation to the subject. In addition, I will
post weekly announcements to guide you through the subject, and alert/remind you of key
dates and other important information.
The assignments in this subject are designed to assess the subject learning outcomes
including your acquired knowledge and skills. Tasks include exercises, problems, discussion
questions, questions related to computing skills and business report writing. The assignment
tasks are designed, in general, to follow the topics shown on the weekly schedule. Thus, they
are structured so as to simulate a pattern of weekly learning.
Interact 2 help:
General help in relation to Interact2 is available here: (
You should check the Interact2 Site at least weekly for postings, announcements, lecture
information and other resources that will assist your studies or additional information and
resources vital to your success in the subject.
Studying at university does not mean studying alone. During class you will have an
opportunity to interact with the lecturer as well as your peers.
Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session.
Information on effective time management is available on the CSU Learning Support website
via the following link:
Visit the Learning Support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic
reading and note taking, referencing, effective time management and preparing for exams at: You can also contact an adviser through Student Central on the following
number: 1800 275 278 (or +61 2 6933 7507 from outside Australia).
Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your Subject Coordinator.
Library Services:
The CSU Library website provides access to online material and print, using Primo Search to
find online journal articles, eBooks, hardcopy books from CSU Library (see Library Manager for
Interlibrary Loan Requests), company & government reports, eJournals, dissertations, theses,
newspapers including Business & Financial newspapers in Factiva (See Business & IT Journal
Databases), and other reference resources (eg. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian
standards, online encyclopaedias & dictionaries to be read on the computer). You will also find
library guides, Subject Reserve for any readings eg. ITC100, ACC100, etc., and online assistance
to help you use the Library’s resources such as Ask a Librarian – Live Chat and Ask a Librarian –
Web Form.
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You can find Library Services on both the SGA library online catalogue:
The SGA library online catalogue allows students to Sign In, My Account shows student’s
current library record including all books on loan, Renew your borrowed books online before
the due date, also Search and Request all books in the SGA library, even if unavailable due to
high demand from students. Students can Request books when all books are on loan to other
students. When the requested book is returned to the SGA library, the student who requested
the book receives an email immediately to pick up the book from the SGA library. View your
library record online 24/7 at the above web link for SGA library.
And also CSU Library online: – CSU Library Services including Primo Search & Subject
Reserve online with 24/7 access, online and video tutorials in research skills, finding journal
articles for assignments, topic analysis, download Endnote referencing program and many
other online library services to help you successfully complete your assignments for all CSU
courses. ( – Powerful search engine from National Library of Australia to access
many different online resources on any subject from one search.
Contact Details for renewing loans, locating books and other information:
SGA Melbourne Library:
Marian Lees – Director, Library Services
Ph: (03) 9935 7921
Email: (
Library Help: Friendly and quick assistance is available. Ask
for help finding information and navigating the library’s extensive eResources.
Online Tutorials
Learn how to:
• use Primo Search to find eReserve material and journal articles
• search journal databases and web resources for information for your assessments
• identify appropriate sources of information and peer reviewed material, and evaluate
Bookmark your Subject Library Resource Guide
Subject Library Guides are a great way to get started with research. Each online guide is
tailored to a specific area of study, including Accounting, Business & Information Technology
outlining how to research in your area and where to look for information.
Academic Learning Support Assistance:
Visit the learning support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic reading
and note-taking, referencing, and preparing for exams at:
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You may also contact:
Name: Craig Bellamy
Email: (
Phone: (03) 9935 7978
Name: Monique Moloney
Email: (
Phone: (03) 9935 7919
Name: Gail Ekici
Email: (
Phone: (03) 9935 7965
Name: Seham Shwayli
Email: (
Phone: (03) 9935 7943
For appointments, please send an email
Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your subject lecturer.
Recommended student time commitment
Each week you should spend around 11 – 13 hours studying this subject – obviously some
weeks may require more time than others depending on how you work – but the following is a
guide for your information.
Textbook and other supporting readings: | 4 hours |
Preparation of answers to topic review questions: | 3 hours |
Attending Lectures and Tutorials: | 3 hours |
Preparation of assessment items (including assignments and online tests): | 3 hours |
Assessment Items
Essential requirements to pass this subject
You must obtain at least 50% in both the examination and the total mark in order to pass this
You must pass the exam to pass the subject.
To be eligible for the grade AA or AE, you must have submitted all assessment items in the
subject, including the final exam. If you choose not to complete an assessment item or do not
sit the final exam, then you will not be granted an AA or an AE grade.
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Item No. | Title | Value | Due Date* | Return Date** |
1 | Assignment 1 | 20% | 05-Apr-2019 | 01-May-2019 |
2 | Assignment 2 | 20% | 13-May-2019 | 05-Jun-2019 |
3 | Plagiarism Quiz | SY/US | 14-Apr-2019 | Not returned |
4 | Final Exam | 60% | To be advised | – |
* Due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** Applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date
Assessment item 1
Assignment 1
Value: 20%
Due Date: 05-Apr-2019
Return Date: 01-May-2019
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
Complete the 3 questions given below. A total of 50 marks are allocated to the questions
below, which will then be converted to a mark out of 20%.
All workings, where appropriate, must be shown to substantiate your answers.
Question 1 [30 marks]
Preparation of accounting records – using spreadsheets
Flash Cleaning Services commenced operations on 1 July 2018. The company opened a
cleaning business – providing cleaning services to local schools, preschools and childcare
centres. During its first month of operations, the following transactions occurred:
Date | Transaction details |
1 July 2018 |
Sally Flash invested $30,000 into the business, and the money was deposited into the bank account. Sally Flash operates the business as a sole-trader. |
1 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services borrowed $20,000 from the bank. The loan is interest only, and interest is charged at 12% p.a. |
1 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services purchased a motor vehicle – a van that will be used for the cleaning business. The motor vehicle cost $18,000, and Flash Cleaning |
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Date | Transaction details |
Services paid for the vehicles from the bank account. The motor vehicle has an estimated useful life of six years, and an estimated residual value of $3,000. |
1 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services paid $3,600 for insurance for the period 1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019. |
1 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services purchased cleaning equipment for $4,800, paid from the bank account. |
9 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services purchased supplies for $2,400, on credit terms. |
13 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services provided cleaning services to Rainbow Childcare Centre for $500, and the Centre deposited this money into Flash Cleaning Services’ bank account. |
20 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services paid wages of $1,600 to employees, for services to 20 July. |
25 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services received $5,500 for cleaning services to be provided to ABC Public School between 25 July 2018 and 30 September 2018. |
27 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services paid $2,000 of the money owing to the supplier in relation the supplies purchased on 9 July 2018. |
31 July 2018 |
Interest of $300 on the bank loan is charged, and it is paid from the bank account. |
31 July 2018 |
Flash Cleaning Services paid advertising costs of $1,600 to the local newspaper, for July advertising. |
Additional information as at 31 July 2018:
• Flash Cleaning Services owes wages of $2,200 to employees, for services to 31 July.
• Flash Cleaning Services has invoiced a number of customers for cleanings services
provided during July, and needs to accrue service revenue of $12,600.
• Accrued expenses as at 31 July include: fuel ($190) and telephone ($100) for the month
of July.
• Supplies on hand at 31 July 2018 amount to $2,100.
• Flash Cleaning Services provided cleaning services to ABC Public School on 28 July
2018, earning $500 of the $5,500 that was paid to Flash Cleaning Services on 25 July
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1. Prepare the journal entries for the twelve transactions listed above that occurred
during July 2018. (6 marks)
2. Prepare T-accounts and post all of the above journal entries to the T-accounts. Total all
of the T-accounts to determine their balances at the end of the month. (3 marks)
3. Based on the balances in the T-accounts above, prepare the ‘Unadjusted Trial Balance’
in an Excel spreadsheet. (2 marks)
4. Explain what the five types of adjusting entries are. Prepare all of the adjusting entries
for Flash Cleaning Services as at 31 July 2018. (6 marks)
5. Using your ‘Unadjusted Trial Balance’ and adjusting entries prepared above, prepare
the ten column worksheet in Excel for the month ended 31 July 2018 (refer to page 167
– 171 of the prescribed text for an example of this worksheet). In the spreadsheet, you
are required to have a ‘data’ section separated from the ‘worksheet’ section. Use
formulas to generate all of the figures in the ‘worksheet’ from the ‘data’ section. Use
the IF function for the ‘Profit’ or ‘Loss’ and also to check that the debit and credit
columns balance. (5 marks)
6. Using the ten column worksheet prepared above as your ‘data’, prepare the income
statement, balance sheet, and statement of changes in equity in Excel. Use formulas to
generate all of the figures in the financial statement reports. (6 marks)
7. Calculate and evaluate the business’s current ratio and debt ratio. If Flash Cleaning
Services repays the bank loan, how would these ratios change? Do you recommend
that the bank loan is repaid? Why or why not. (2 marks)
Please also refer to the ‘Requirements’ section below for additional submission and
spreadsheet requirements.
Question 2 [10 marks]
History of accounting – essay
Prepare an essay discussing the origins of double-entry bookkeeping. Explain why doubleentry bookkeeping is so profoundly important in the world of accounting, and how it differs
from earlier bookkeeping methods (about 1,000 words in total).
Question 3 [10 marks]
ABC Learning Case Study
Watch the ABC Learning videos (these videos are available on YouTube
watch ( and answer the
following questions (about 1,000 words in total).
1. Discuss the reasons for ABC Learning’s failure. Were there any warning signs in the
company’s financial reports that might have indicated that the company was in trouble? (4
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2. Identify and discuss 3 ethical issues from this case study. (6 marks)
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to apply conceptual and technical aspects of accounting and prepare relevant
business financial statements.
• be able to discuss the historical development of accounting.
• be able to appraise the use of information technology including spreadsheet sofware
in accounting problem solving, and evaluate the Internet as a professional resource.
• be able to demonstrate relevant business communication skills including report
• be able to contextualise and evaluate accounting information for decision making
• be able to explain the importance of ethics in accounting.
In today’s business environment we need verbal skills, writing skills, numeracy skills AND
digital literacy skills. All of these skills are assessed throughout this subject. The early
questions in this assignment are designed to assess your digital literacy in a business/
accounting environment.
This assignment is designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills
in aspects of accounting and information systems including technical issues as well as
concepts such as the accounting equations, cash and accrual accounting, current and noncurrent assets and liabilities, trial balance, worksheets, income statement, statement of
changes in equity, balance sheets and the application of spreadsheet sofware to the
presentation and solution of accounting problems.
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Marking criteria and standards
The marking guide for this assessment task is provided below.
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
Question 1: Apply computer sofware and basic accounting ideas, concepts and techniques to prepare accounting information that is useful for decision making. Analyse the nature, and measurement of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. Evaluate accounting information for decision making purposes. |
Applies the definitions for assets, liabilities, income, expense and equity items, and other basic accounting concepts and techniques to a range of practical situations without flaw. Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, without flaw. All required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and show an in depth understanding |
Applies the definitions for assets, liabilities, income, expense and equity items, and other basic accounting concepts and techniques to a range of practical situations with minor flaw. Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with minor flaw. Almost all of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a thorough understanding of the topic. |
Applies the definitions for assets, liabilities, income, expense and equity items, and other basic accounting concepts and techniques to a range of practical situations with a limited number of minor errors. Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with a limited number of minor flaws. Most of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good understanding of the topic. |
Applies the definitions for assets, liabilities, income, expense and equity items, and other basic accounting concepts and techniques to a range of practical situations with a limited number of errors. Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with a limited number of errors. Most of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding of the topic. |
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Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
of the topic. | ||||
Question 2: Discuss the historical development of accounting, and demonstrate relevant business communication skills. |
Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and show an in depth understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured exceptionally well. The writing style is succinct, cohesive, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary. APA referencing system has been followed, without flaw. |
Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a thorough understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured very well. The writing style is clear and succinct, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in almost all instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with minor flaw. |
Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured well. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a number of minor flaws. |
Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured satisfactorily. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a limited number of flaws. |
Question 3: Evaluate accounting information and explain the |
Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and |
Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a |
Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good |
Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding |
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Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
importance of ethics in accounting. |
show an in depth understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured exceptionally well. The writing style is succinct, cohesive, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary. APA referencing system has been followed, without flaw. |
thorough understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured very well. The writing style is clear and succinct, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in almost all instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with minor flaw. |
understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured well. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a number of minor flaws. |
of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured satisfactorily. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a limited number of flaws. |
It is essential that presentation of assignments adheres to accepted standards in relation to
neatness and layout, as you are practicing to present material in a work situation.
For spreadsheet questions, ensure that you adhere to the spreadsheet requirements (refer to
the ‘Requirements’ section below).
You need to provide references and prepare a reference list using the APA referencing style
with your assignment. Note: when preparing a business report, include a reference list as part
of the business report. You need to provide a reference whenever you draw on someone else’s
words, ideas or research. You should also provide references for any graphic information you
use. Films, television programs, personal communications and online sources also need to be
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Your Turnitin submission will consist of two files: a Word file and an Excel file. Paste the
spreadsheet solutions and a ‘formula’ view of each spreadsheet in the Word file, displaying
row and column headings. Thus, your Word file will provide a complete answer to every
question. The separate Excel file will provide a clear demonstration of correct spreadsheet
structures. The pasted formula view may need to have adjusted column widths to display
formulas correctly. Use portrait orientation wherever possible.
Spreadsheet requirements:
1. For good spreadsheet design, it is very important that you have completely separate
data and solution/report areas. A good spreadsheet solution format is to key in the
question in a structure which allows the solution to be completely formula driven.
There should be no data in the report/solution area.
2. Name the worksheet tag(s) at the bottom of the Excel screen with the question
number. Use a separate worksheet for each question that needs to be completed in
Excel. See examples in the ‘Spreadsheet Advice’ PDF in the ‘Resources’ folder on
3. Where appropriate, use the ‘IF function’ to provide built in checks of balances, net
profit/net loss etc.
4. We have provided spreadsheet examples to guide you in the ‘Spreadsheet Advice’ PDF
document in Interact. Also consider using the spreadsheet templates available with
your text and other online spreadsheet advice, but note that the text templates do not
comply with all of the assignment spreadsheet requirements above.
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Assessment item 2
Assignment 2
Value: 20%
Due Date: 13-May-2019
Return Date: 05-Jun-2019
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
Complete the 5 questions given below. A total of 50 marks are allocated to the questions
below, which will then be converted to a mark out of 20%.
All workings, where appropriate, must be shown to substantiate your answers.
Question 1 (10 marks)
Retail inventory
One of your friends, Jack, opened a new business called ‘Sand Castles at the Beach’ – selling
sand castle sets (with buckets and spades). The first month of operations went well, however
your friend has asked you for some accounting advice, as he doesn’t know how to account for
his inventory.
Jack tells you: “When I bought the first lot of sand castle sets, they cost me $5 each, and when I
purchased some more during the month, the price had increased to $5.50 each, and I just
bought some more yesterday, and the price had increased again… to $5.80 each. The sets are
all exactly the same. Do I need to keep track of how much the particular set that I sell on a
particular day cost me – for example, if I sell a sand castle set tomorrow, do I need to keep
track of whether it was one of the sets that cost me $5, $5.50 or $5.80?”
The following inventory information is available for October 2018:
Enter the data shown above into a spreadsheet.
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i) In your spreadsheet, calculate the cost of goods sold and closing inventory using the FIFO,
LIFO and weighted-average cost methods. Use a template similar to the example below, and
use formulas to complete the calculations in your spreadsheet. Please also refer to the
‘Requirements’ section below for additional submission and spreadsheet requirements.
ii) In your spreadsheet, calculate the sales revenue and gross profit using the FIFO, LIFO and
weighted-average cost methods. Use a template similar to the example below, and use
formulas to complete your calculations. Please also refer to the ‘Requirements’ section below
for additional submission and spreadsheet requirements.
iii) Undertake some research and advise Jack which of the above inventory methods (FIFO,
LIFO and Weighted-average cost methods) are permitted to be used in accordance with the
Australian Accounting Standards. Also advise Jack whether the specific identification method
(that he refers to in his initial question) would be permitted to be used for his business instead.
Why or why not?
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Question 2 (10 marks)
Retail operations – and decision making in accounting
Undertake some research into Digital Dashboards.
You are the new accountant at Myer Ltd, a well-known Australian Department Store, and
would like the directors to consider using digital dashboards. You think that it would be of
great benefit to them as they manage the business.
Prepare a business report (as if for the directors of the company) on Digital Dashboards.
Note: You must reference using the APA referencing format, and include a reference list at the
end of your report.
(Word count: 1000-1500 words)
Question 3 (10 marks)
Internal controls – cash
The local swimming club wants to raise some money so that it can install a solar heating
system at the local pool. The major fundraising event is a pool party – with live music, free
BBQ, and amusements for children.
Entry to the pool party is $20 per person, with tickets able to be pre-purchased at the
swimming pool entry desk before the event, or people can pay $20 at the entry desk on the
day of the festival. 2,000 unnumbered tickets were printed, and these were kept in a box at the
swimming pool entry desk. As tickets were sold, the money was put into a locked money box
kept at the entry desk.
A number of swimming pool staff were responsible for organising the event. Each of these
people had a key to the money box and were told that if they took money out to pay for event
expenses, they need to put a note in the box saying how much they took and what it was used
Ticket sales were going well, and the money box was getting quite full afer three weeks. The
swimming pool staff member who was on the entry desk at the pool that day counted the
money, prepared the bank deposit slip and deposited the money into the new bank account
that had been opened for the fundraising event.
On the day before the pool party, unsold tickets were ripped up and disposed of – as they were
no longer needed. (If people wanted to come to the pool party and hadn’t pre-purchased a
ticket, they would just need to pay $20 entry at the pool entry desk.)
On the day of the pool party, one of the swimming club members worked at the pool entry
desk, collecting tickets from people attending the party and collected money from people who
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hadn’t pre-purchased them. As tickets were presented at reception, they were taken from the
attendee, ripped up and disposed of.
People attending the party were also able to purchase wrist-bands at the entry desk, for
unlimited access to the amusements – for $5 per person. As wrist bands were sold, the money
was added into the money box.
At the end of the pool party, $500 was taken out of the money box and paid to the DJ. The DJ
did not provide a receipt.
It was estimated that 1,200 people attended the pool party, and there were approximately 200
children that had wrist-bands for the amusements.
The following day, the fundraising event bank account was closed, which had $3,200 in it, and
there was also $1,100 in the money box. The swimming club treasurer was surprised that the
pool party had only netted $4,300 in cash.
Identify the internal control weaknesses in this scenario, and suggest how each could be
Question 4 (10 marks)
Bank reconciliations and cash
The bank reconciliation for Party Supplies at 31 July 2018 is shown below:
Party Supplies Ltd | ||
Bank reconcilition as at 31 July 2018 | ||
Cash balance as per bank statement | $12,498.60 | |
Add: outstanding deposits | $2,500.00 | |
$14,998.60 | ||
Less: Unpresented cheques | Cheque amount | |
– Chq 461 | $260.00 | |
– Chq 470 | $410.00 | |
– Chq 474 | $1,027.00 | $1,697.00 |
Cash balance as per ledger | $13,301.60 |
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The August 2018 bank statement appeared as follows:
Bank statement for August 2018: | ||||
Date | Description | Deposit | Withdrawal | Balance |
1/08/2018 | Opening balance | $12,498.60 | ||
1/08/2018 | Deposit | 2,500.00 | $14,998.60 | |
1/08/2018 | Cheque 461 | 260.00 | $14,738.60 | |
2/08/2018 | Cheque 475 | 195.00 | $14,543.60 | |
3/08/2018 | Deposit | 2,150.00 | $16,693.60 | |
3/08/2018 | Cheque 476 | 657.00 | $16,036.60 | |
6/08/2018 | Cheque 477 | 2,200.00 | $13,836.60 | |
9/08/2018 | Deposit | 5,800.00 | $19,636.60 | |
9/08/2018 | Cheque 479 | 1,200.00 | $18,436.60 | |
12/08/2018 | Deposit | 1,332.00 | $19,768.60 | |
14/08/2018 | Deposit | 2,936.00 | $22,704.60 | |
14/08/2018 | Cheque 480 | 600.00 | $22,104.60 | |
18/08/2018 | Cheque 481 | 807.50 | $21,297.10 | |
19/08/2018 | Deposit | 2,676.00 | $23,973.10 | |
25/08/2018 | Deposit | 3,200.00 | $27,173.10 | |
25/08/2018 | Cheque 482 | 2,510.00 | $24,663.10 | |
28/08/2018 | Deposit | 2,256.00 | $26,919.10 | |
29/08/2018 | Cheque 484 | 425.00 | $26,494.10 | |
30/08/2018 | Deposit | 1,200.00 | $27,694.10 | |
30/08/2018 | Cheque 483 | 3,400.00 | $24,294.10 | |
31/08/2018 | Bank fees | 29.00 | $24,265.10 | |
31/08/2018 | Interest | 22.11 | $24,287.21 | |
31/08/2018 | Closing balance | $24,287.21 |
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Party Supplies Ltd’s accounting records for August 2018 showed the following:
Cash payments journal: | Cash receipts journal: | |||
Date | Chq number | Amount | Date | Amount banked |
1/08/2018 | 475 | $195.00 | ||
2/08/2018 | 476 | $657.00 | 1/08/2018 | $2,500.00 |
2/08/2018 | 477 | $2,200.00 | 2/08/2018 | $2,105.00 |
4/08/2018 | 478 | $511.00 | 8/08/2018 | $5,800.00 |
8/08/2018 | 479 | $1,200.00 | 11/08/2018 | $1,332.00 |
10/08/2018 | 480 | $600.00 | 13/08/2018 | $2,935.00 |
17/08/2018 | 481 | $870.50 | 24/08/2018 | $3,200.00 |
22/08/2018 | 482 | $2,150.00 | 27/08/2018 | $2,265.00 |
23/08/2018 | 484 | $425.00 | 29/08/2018 | $1,200.00 |
24/08/2018 | 485 | $1,266.00 | 31/08/2018 | $1,440.00 |
30/08/2018 | 486 | $972.00 | $22,777.00 | |
$11,046.50 |
The current balance in the ‘bank’ ledger account (afer the above receipts and payments have
been entered) is: $13,301.60 + $22,777 deposits – $11,046.50 withdrawals = $25,032.10.
The company’s bookkeeper has come to you for help, as she is having trouble reconciling the
bank account at 31 August 2018.
The bank did not make any errors.
i) Prepare the bank reconciliation for Party Supplies Ltd at 31 August 2018.
ii) Prepare the journal entries to correct any errors made by Party Supplies Ltd, and to
record transactions that have not yet been entered into the company’s accounting records.
(Note: The correction of any errors relating to the recording of cheques should be made to
‘Accounts payable’. The correction of any errors relating to deposits (other than interest
received) should be made to ‘Accounts receivable’.)
iii) Prepare the ‘bank’ ledger account (using the T-Account format) for August 2018, in order
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to determine the balance in the account afer the above journal entries have been recorded
and posted.
Question 5 (10 marks)
Property, plant and equipment
Storm Ltd acquired an item of equipment on 1 July 2016 at a cost of $800,000. On 30 June
2017, Storm’s directors decide to continue using the cost model for equipment. They elect
to depreciate the equipment acquired on 1 July 2016 using the straight-line method, over its
useful life of five years. The estimated residual value is $40,000.
The remaining useful life is revised on 1 July 2018 – estimated to be six years from 1 July 2018.
The estimated residual value is also revised on this date – to $50,000.
The item of equipment is sold on 31 December 2019 for $500,000.
Prepare journal entries to account for all transactions that took place during the period 1 July
2016 to 31 December 2019, including entries for the acquisition of the equipment,
depreciation for each year, and its disposal. Show all relevant dates, narrations and workings.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to apply conceptual and technical aspects of accounting and prepare relevant
business financial statements.
• be able to appraise the use of information technology including spreadsheet sofware
in accounting problem solving, and evaluate the Internet as a professional resource.
• be able to demonstrate relevant business communication skills including report
• be able to contextualise and evaluate accounting information for decision making
Assessment task 2 is designed to give you further opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and
skills in more in-depth aspects of accounting and information systems including bank
reconciliations, inventory systems, financial reports, accounting for non-current assets, as well
as concepts and the application of spreadsheet sofware to the presentation and solution of
accounting problems.
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Marking criteria and standards
The marking guide for this assessment task is provided below.
Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
Question 1: Apply computer sofware and basic accounting ideas, concepts and techniques to prepare accounting information that is useful for decision making. Discuss, analyse and/or critique accounting techniques and methods used in practice, and financial information that is prepared. |
Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, without flaw. Appropriate calculations and workings are shown, and are logical and well presented. All required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and show an in depth understanding of the topic. |
Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with minor flaw. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with minor flaw. Almost all of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a thorough understanding of the topic. |
Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with a limited number of minor flaws. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with a limited number of minor errors. Most of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good understanding of the topic. |
Demonstrates the ability to use computer sofware and spreadsheets to prepare useful accounting information for a variety of users, with a limited number of errors. Calculations and workings are shown but contain errors or lack detail, and/or contain errors. Most of the required Excel spreadsheet features and functions have been applied. Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding of the topic. |
Question 2: Discuss and apply accounting tools, concepts and techniques to prepare accounting |
Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of accounting tools, concepts and techniques available to assist managers |
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of accounting tools, concepts and techniques available to assist managers |
Demonstrates a good understanding of accounting tools, concepts and techniques available to assist managers |
Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of accounting tools, concepts and techniques available to assist managers |
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Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
information that is useful for decision making. Demonstrate relevant business communication skills including report writing. |
as they are making business decisions. Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and show an in depth understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured exceptionally well. The writing style is succinct, cohesive, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary. APA referencing system has been followed, without flaw. |
as they are making business decisions. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a thorough understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured very well. The writing style is clear and succinct, easy to read and it is grammatically correct with accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in almost all instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with minor flaw. |
as they are making business decisions. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured well. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a number of minor flaws. |
as they are making business decisions. Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding of the topic. Answers are presented in an appropriate format and are structured satisfactorily. The writing style is appropriate and easy to read most of the time, with mostly accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. In-text citations have been included where necessary in most instances. APA referencing system has been followed, with a limited number of flaws. |
Question 3: Discuss and apply |
Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a good understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of accounting |
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Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
accounting ideas, concepts and techniques to assist businesses safeguard their assets. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, without flaw. Discussions and explanations presented are exemplary and clear, well justified, and show an in depth understanding of the topic. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with minor flaw. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and succinct, and show a thorough understanding of the topic. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of minor errors. Discussions and explanations presented are clear and adequate, and show a good understanding of the topic. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of errors. Discussions and explanations presented are basic, and show a satisfactory understanding of the topic. |
Question 4: Apply accounting ideas, concepts and techniques to prepare accounting information that is useful for decision making. |
Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of accounting concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, without flaw. Appropriate calculations and workings are shown, and are logical and well presented. |
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of accounting concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with minor flaw. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with minor flaw. |
Demonstrates a good understanding of accounting concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of minor errors. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with a limited number of minor errors. |
Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of accounting concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of errors. Calculations and workings are shown but contain errors or lack detail, and/or contain errors. |
Question 5: Apply conceptual and technical aspects of |
Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a good understanding of accounting |
Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of accounting |
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Criteria | High Distinction | Distinction | Credit | Pass |
accounting to account for non current assets and prepare relevant business financial statements. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, without flaw. Appropriate calculations and workings are shown, and are logical and well presented. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with minor flaw. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with minor flaw. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of minor errors. Calculations and workings shown are appropriate, with a limited number of minor errors. |
concepts and techniques, and the ability to apply these to a range of practical situations, with a limited number of errors. Calculations and workings are shown but contain errors or lack detail, and/or contain errors. |
It is essential that presentation of assignments adheres to accepted standards in relation to
neatness and layout, as you are practicing to present material in a work situation.
For spreadsheet questions, ensure that you adhere to the spreadsheet requirements (refer to
the ‘Requirements’ section below).
For questions that require you to prepare a business report, your report should include a title
page, executive summary (optional), table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion,
recommendations (if necessary), and reference list. For further guidance on business report
writing, please refer to the following guides or others available on the internet: (
c.php?g=691475&p=4893246) or
You need to provide references and prepare a reference list using the APA referencing style
with your assignment. Note: when preparing a business report, include a reference list as part
of the business report. You need to provide a reference whenever you draw on someone else’s
words, ideas or research. You should also provide references for any graphic information you
use. Films, television programs, personal communications and online sources also need to be
Your Turnitin submission will consist of two files: a Word file and an Excel file. Paste the
spreadsheet solutions and a formula view of each spreadsheet in the Word file, displaying row
and column headings. Thus, your Word file will provide a complete answer to every question.
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The separate Excel file will provide a clear demonstration of correct spreadsheet structures.
The pasted formula view may need to have adjusted column widths to display formulas
correctly. Use portrait orientation wherever possible.
Spreadsheet requirements:
1. For good spreadsheet design, it is very important that you have completely separate
data and solution/report areas. A good spreadsheet solution format is to key in the
question in a structure which allows the solution to be completely formula driven.
There should be no data in the report/solution area.
2. Name the worksheet tag(s) at the bottom of the Excel screen with the question
number. Use a separate worksheet for each question that needs to be completed in
Excel. See examples in the ‘Spreadsheet Advice’ PDF in the ‘Resources’ folder on
3. Where appropriate, use the ‘IF function’ to provide built in checks of balances, net
profit/net loss etc.
4. We have provided spreadsheet examples to guide you in the ‘Spreadsheet Advice’ PDF
document in Interact. Also consider using the spreadsheet templates available with
your text and other online spreadsheet advice, but note that the text templates do not
comply with all of the assignment spreadsheet requirements above.
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Assessment item 3
Plagiarism Quiz
Value: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Due Date: 14-Apr-2019
Return Date: Not returned
Submission method options: Interact2 Test
Undertake and complete the online quiz covering questions related to plagiarism and
Students may attempt the Plagiarism Quiz multiple times in order to achieve the passing score
of 18 from 20. The quiz will remain open until the end of week 6. We strongly encourage all
students to complete and pass this quiz prior to submitting other assessments.
This assessment task does not directly assess a specific learning outcome but is a requirement
for passing the subject.
To ensure students are aware of plagiarism and referencing standards.
Marking criteria and standards
Students must obtain a mark of at least 18 from 20 in order to pass this quiz. Failure in this quiz
will automatically lead to a fail grade for the subject irrespective of the marks obtained in all
other assessments.
Assessment item 4
Final Exam
Value: 60%
Due Date: To be advised. Your exam timetable ( will be released via the Student Portal. Check dates for the exam period and your
responsibilities (
Duration: 3 hours plus 10 minutes
Submission method options: N/A – submission not required/applicable
The final exam will be a three hour exam held during the exam period at the end of session. All
questions must be attempted.
You are required to sit and pass the final examination in this subject in order to be eligible for a
passing grade. The exam is worth 60% of the total marks in this subject.
Section A of the examination consists of 10 multiple choice questions, worth 1 mark each (10
marks in total).
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Section B of the examination consists of 5 problem questions (worth 90 marks in total for the 5
In order to achieve a passing grade in this subject, a student must attain a minimum passing
standard in the overall total mark and the final examination.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to apply conceptual and technical aspects of accounting and prepare relevant
business financial statements.
• be able to discuss the historical development of accounting.
• be able to contextualise and evaluate accounting information for decision making
• be able to explain the importance of ethics in accounting.
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Marking criteria and standards
Marking criteria
The examination may assess all or some of the subject learning outcomes listed in the
‘Rationale’ section above. The following marking guide therefore provides general guidance
for each of the learning outcomes that may be assessed:
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Section | High Distinction |
Distinction | Credit | Pass |
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (10%) Answer multiple choice questions by selecting the correct option from the four alternatives to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the range of topics assessed in this section. |
To meet this level of achievement you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 85%-100% for the examination. In meeting this level you will demonstrate an exceptional and consistently high level of knowledge and understanding across the complete range of topics assessed in this section. |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 75%-84% for the examination. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a comprehensive and high level of knowledge and understanding across the majority of topics assessed in this section. |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 65%-74% for the examination. A mark in this range for section A indicates that you have ofen selected the correct answer from the available alternatives for each question. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding across the majority of the topics in this subject. |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 50%-64% for the examination. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding across at least 50% of the topics in this subject. |
Part B: Problem Questions (90%) |
To meet this level of achievement you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 85%-100% for the examination. A mark in this range indicates that you have answered all questions to an exceptional level, providing complete and accurate answers addressing all |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 75%-84% for the examination. A mark in this range indicates that you have answered all questions to a high level or above, providing mostly complete and accurate answers |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 65%-74% for the examination. A mark in this range indicates that you have answered the majority of the questions to a high level or above, providing mostly complete and accurate answers addressing most parts of the questions. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a sound |
To meet this level you will attain an aggregate cumulative mark between 50%-64% for the examination. A mark in this range indicates that you have answered majority of the questions to a satisfactory level or above, providing adequate answers addressing |
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parts of the questions. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate exceptional knowledge, understanding, and ability across the majority of topics in this subject. |
addressing most parts of the questions. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge, understanding, and ability across the majority of topics in this subject. |
knowledge, understanding, and ability across the majority of topics in this subject. |
most parts of the questions. Overall, in meeting this level you will demonstrate a satisfactory knowledge, understanding, and ability across the majority of topics in this subject. |
Material provided by the university
General Purpose Answer Sheet (for multiple choice questions)
1 x 12 page Writing Booklet
Material provided by the student
Black or blue pen and 2B pencil, eraser, ruler, battery/solar calculator (no printer, nonprogrammable). Ipads, tablets, smartphones and other hand-held computer devices are not
accepted as calculators.
Students need to answer questions on the General Purpose Answer Sheet using a 2B pencil.
Sample exam paper
You are encouraged to complete this subject’s sample exam (
file/2b2eaa1d-77dd-406d-8dbd-1b895c61b0f9/1/ACC566%20SAMPLE%20EXAM.pdf) in
preparation for the end-of-session exam.
Assessment Information
Academic integrity
Academic integrity means acting with honesty, fairness and responsibility, and involves
observing and maintaining ethical standards in all aspects of academic work. This subject
assumes that you understand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating and collusion. If you are a
new student we expect you to complete the modules called Academic Integrity at CSU.
CSU treats plagiarism seriously. We may use Turnitin to check your submitted work for
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plagiarism. You can use Turnitin to check for plagiarism (
integrity/referencing-at-csu/checking) in your assessments before submission.
Referencing is an important component of academic work. All assessment tasks should be
appropriately referenced. The specific details of the referencing requirements are included in
each assessment task description. Get referencing style guides and help
( to use for your assessments.
How to submit your assessment items
Online submission process
All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by
Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment requires the insertion of image based
evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that
deliberately attempt to insert content of assessments in a format that is not readable by
Turnitin may be subject to Academic misconduct investigations.
See advice elsewhere in this subject outline regarding assignment submission processes.
Postal submission process
Under normal circumstances, postal submissions will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required.
Hand delivered submission process
Under normal circumstances, hand delivered submissions will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required.
Alternative submission process
See Online Submission Process above.
It is best to complete assessment items by the due date. However, when something
unavoidable comes up an extension may be possible. The following principles are used when
processing extensions
1. For in-session assessment items, an extension request for up to three (3) calendar
days can be made by emailing your subject coordinator directly before the due date.
In your email please state the reason why you need more time as well as what
precisely you are requesting. Supporting documentation is not required. If an
extension is requested in the above format with a valid reason and your request does
not disadvantage other students, the extension will be approved. Extensions
cannot be granted for on-line tests, as these have to be done within a specific time
frame, afer which the answers are released to the class automatically.
2. For in-session assessment items, extension requests of more than three (3) calendar
days must be made via the special consideration form:
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specialcons/. ( request must be made
before the due date and must include supporting documentation. Acceptable reasons
are given in the Special Consideration Policy
view.current.php?id=00298>. Each request will be considered on a case by case basis.
The request may not be granted. The maximum extension possible will be seven (7)
calendar days.
3. If you receive an extension, then you should expect the assessment item and its
feedback to be returned later. If you submit later than the extended due date you will
receive late penalties as per guidelines below.
4. Unless your extension permits otherwise, submissions received 10 days afer the
original due date will receive zero.
5. For end of session exams, you can request a supplementary exam via (
request must be made within 3 working days of the date of exam and must include
supporting documentation. Acceptable reasons are given in the Special Consideration
Policy . For medical issues, a
CSU medical certificate is required. If the supplementary exam (SX) is awarded then
your exam is moved to the next examination period. In order to preserve exam
integrity and manage the logistics of exams, the timing of a supplementary exam is
heavily restricted.
How to apply for special consideration
Academic regulations provide for special consideration to be given if you suffer misadventure
or extenuating circumstances during the session (including the examination period) which
prevents you from meeting acceptable standards or deadlines. Find the form on the Student
Portal Special Consideration, Misadventure, Advice and Appeals (
study/academic-advice) page.
Penalties for late submission
The penalty for late submission of an assessment task (without obtaining the Subject
Coordinator’s approval for an extension) will be:
10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the
assessment task, i.e. 1 day late 10% deduction, or 2 days late 20% deduction.
An example of the calculation would be:
Maximum marks allocated = 20
Penalty for one day late = 2 marks (so, a score of 18/20 becomes 16/20 and a score of 12/20
becomes 10/20).
If an assignment is due on a Friday but is not submitted until the following Tuesday, then the
penalty will be four days (40% deduction or 8 marks in the example above).
Submissions more than 10 days late will be acknowledged as received but will not be marked.
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
ACC566 201930 SM I
Version 1 – Published 11 February 2019
Page 35 of 37
Under normal circumstances, resubmission of assessment items will not be accepted for any
of the assessments required in this subject.
Feedback processes
Each student for each assignment will receive a grade, solutions and specific and general
Assessment return
You should normally expect your marked assignment to be returned to you within 15 working
days from the due date, if your assignment was submitted on time. If you submitted your
assignment on time but have not received it back by the return date, please send me an email
and I will look into it for you.
Student Feedback & Learning Analytics
Evaluation of subjects
CSU values constructive feedback and relies on high response rates to Subject Experience
Surveys (SES) to enhance teaching. Responses are fed back anonymously to Subject
Coordinators and Heads of Schools to form the basis for subject enhancement and recognition
of excellence in teaching. Schools report on their evaluation data; highlighting good practice
and documenting how problems have been addressed. You can view a summary of survey
results via the Student Portal SES Results ( page.
We strongly encourage you to complete your online Subject Experience Surveys. You will be
provided with links to your surveys via email when they open three [3] weeks before the end of
Changes and actions based on student feedback
In response to feedback provided by students in recent sessions: additional resources,
including PowerPoint slides, video recordings, and other activities have been prepared to
assist you with your studies.
Learning analytics
Learning Analytics refers to the collection and analysis of student data for the purpose of
improving learning and teaching. It enables the University to personalise the support we
provide our students. All Learning Analytics activities will take place in accordance with the
CSU Learning Analytics Code of Practice. For more information, please visit CSU’s Learning
Analytics (
learning-analytics) website.
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ACC566 201930 SM I
Version 1 – Published 11 February 2019
Page 36 of 37
Data about your activity in the Interact2 site and other learning technologies for this subject
will be recorded and can be reviewed by teaching staff to inform their communication,
support and teaching practices.
Services & Support
Your Student Portal ( tells you can how you can seek services and
support. These include study, admin, residential, library, careers, financial, and personal
Develop your study skills
Develop your study skills ( with our free study services.
We have services online, on campus and near you. These services can help you develop your
English language, literacy, and numeracy.
Library Services
CSU Library ( provides access to the eBooks, journal
articles, books, and multimedia resources needed for your studies and assessments. Get the
most out of these resources by contacting Library staff either online or in person, or make use
of the many Library Resource Guides, videos and online workshops available.
CSU Policies & Regulations
This subject outline should be read in conjunction with all academic policies and regulations,
e.g. Student Academic Misconduct Policy, Assessment Policy – Coursework Subjects,
Assessment Principles Policy, Special Consideration Policy, Academic Progress Policy,
Academic Communication with Students Policy, Student Charter, etc.
Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s)
( which includes links
to the CSU Policy Library ( – the sole authoritative source
of official academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations
of the University.
Subject Outline as a reference document
This Subject Outline is an accurate and historical record of the curriculum and scope of your
subject. CSU’s Subject Outlines Policy (
requires that you retain a copy of the Subject Outline for future use such as for accreditation
Charles Sturt University Subject O
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