Air Pollution and Climate Change
1. Introduction: Your introduction introduces the problem, raises your level-3 question, and announces your argument. It needs to be at least a paragraph and include the thesis. The question being answered by your paper’s argument needs to be clearly stated, either as an explicit question or a very clearly implied one. Include the following elements in whatever order works best for the flow of your argument:
-Frame the problem in an interesting way that shows its significance
-Introduce texts and/or traditions you will be analyzing
-Pose a level 3 question–the issue your essay will address
-Answer your question with a thesis
2. Thesis: The thesis answers the level 3 question you ask in your introduction and lays out the structure of your argument, creating the reader’s expectations for what is to come in the essay:
Acknowledges an alternative view of the subject—the opposition (an “although” point)
Refers to the subject of the question
Makes an assertion about the subject (your position on the issue)
Provides at least 3 reasons (sometimes fewer, sometimes more) to support the assertion, listed in the most logical and persuasive order for your argument
Stated as a formula: TS = O + S + A + R (3+)
Thesis Sentence = Opposition + Subject + Assertion + Reasons (3+)
3. Significance: This is the “so what” argument of your paper: How do your essay, and your thesis/assertion, in particular, contribute to a better understanding of air pollution and climate change? Why does it matter that the problem is addressed and resolved as well as possible?
4.Context: Accurately establish the historical and cultural contexts of relevant events and texts for both 1) the topic you are exploring and 2) any sources you use.
Provide enough context for a reader outside of the course to follow your reasoning. For instance, the first time you refer to an author, even if the author is in your Works Cited and even if the people in your course know who you are talking about, write the full name and give enough background information to make it clear why you are referencing this author. The context can be woven into any part of the paper where it is appropriate and needed for the reader to understand and be persuaded by your argument.
5. Opposition (Counterargument) and Rebuttal: Consider at least one alternative view to your assertion. Discuss its merits and flaws fairly, presenting evidence for it. Then show why your argument is better, rebutting the counterargument with evidence for your argument. You don’t have to claim that your interpretation is “right” or “true;” you just have to persuade that it is the strongest among competing views.
6. Conclusion: Write a conclusion that ends your argument persuasively. It needs to briefly and non-repetitively summarize the argument, elaborate on the implications and significance of your thesis, and suggest a direction for further study or action. The conclusion should be at least 1 paragraph.
7. Sources: For this paper, you will need
-The allegory of Cave pdf
-2 sources from 1_1,1_2,and 1_3 pdf.
– At least 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals
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