Analyse client requirements, design solutions, configure
Your task in this assignment is to analyse client requirements, design solutions, implement, configure, and
troubleshoot implemented solutions, and finally to prepare a system documentation report meeting the client
requirements and following a standard industry template. Detailed requirements are provided below:
1. For your chosen scenario, (i) analyse client requirements, (ii) identify and propose the required servers
and server roles (services), and (iii) provide required configurations for your chosen scenario.
2. Perform the configurations using either virtually or physically installed server OS to realise the scenario.
Students can use Windows Server 2012 or a higher version, or Linux server if appropriate, which will
depend on the scenario chosen. Your submission should include screenshots of each important step.
3. Prepare a detailed system documentation report to cover your work done in steps 1 and 2 above, using
a standard template. You have the freedom to create a template, with company name, logo, etc., for
your client and use that for your documentation report. This report will serve as an important part of
backup and disaster recovery documentation for the organisation in your chosen scenario, and can be
used for training new IT staff in the organisation. As such, you must consider human usability factors and
include the configurations using description of each important step, and screenshots corresponding to
those in a way that will be useful to the target users of the document. Essential sections of the
documentation are provided in the marking guide, however, you can include additional sections if
deemed useful.
You must configure the domain(s) using group members’ names (e.g., sajeen-joy-sam). If the chosen
scenario requires a web server, the group must create a simple webpage (using html header tag only) to
display the student ID numbers of the group members, which needs to be stored on and displayed from
the created IIS (web server).
This documentation report (one report per group) is to be submitted on Moodle in Week-11.
4. Use your configured system to demonstrate individually the implemented scenario during your week-12
lab. Individual understanding will be tested during your demonstration.
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"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."