1. Visit the Cornell University Law School Uniform Commercial Code Locator Web site and explore the UCC areas. In a short summary, explain what you have found and apply this to what you have read in the textbook.
2. On the Web, conduct a literature search of a recent article related to any of the chapters in the textbook. The article may be obtained from any source. Several databases are available to you through the Hunt Library (available through the course menu). Please find an article, which you find interesting and write a critique of the article of no more the one page. Provide a link to the article and cite your work in proper APA format.
Answer the following criteria in your post:
-State the author’s argument and whether you agree or disagree.
-State your rationale.
-Why do you agree or disagree with the argument presented?
Provide the URL address of the source of your article.
3. What does good faith mean under the UCC?
4. Post your response to the following focus questions:
-What are the two common types of implied warranties? Describe them.
– If your purchase does not come with a written warranty, is it still covered by and implied warranty? What if the product is marked “as is?” Do all states permit “as is” sales?
-What is the duration of an implied warranty?
5. What is the difference between a holder and a holder in due course? Define each and explain the differences.
6. Post your response to the following topics:
Evaluate one or two of the following consumer protection acts:
– The Truth in Lending Act
– Fair Credit Reporting Act
– Equal Credit Opportunity Act
-Fair Credit Billing Act
-Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
In your evaluation, answer the following questions using Internet research to support your responses:
Can this law be improved?
If so, how would you improve it?
7. Alice Agent is an employee of Patti Principal. She negligently runs a stop sign in the course of her employment and injures Bart Bikerider. Can Bart sue Patti for his damages from Alice’s Negligence? Why or why not?
8. What is the difference between right-to-work and employment-at-will?
9. How are closely held corporations different from publicly traded corporations?
10. Post your response to the following focus questions:
– Describe a sole proprietorship and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
-Describe a partnership and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
-Describe a corporation and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
-Describe an S corporation and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
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