Avg Easiness Avg Helpfulness Avg Clarity
Avg Easiness Avg Helpfulness Avg Clarity
Avg Easiness 1
Avg Helpfulness .41 1
Avg Clarity .42 .85 1
Based on the correlation coefficients presented in the table above, respond to the following questions:
What does the correlation coefficients tell you about the relationships between the three variables? Provide a few short descriptions.
What causal relationship(s) is implied in the interpretation?
Based upon your own experiences with professors, what are other plausible explanations for the positive correlations between easiness and helpfulness and easiness and clarity?
Do you believe the data has proven a causal relationship between easiness, and helpfulness and easiness and clarity? Why or why not?
The post Avg Easiness Avg Helpfulness Avg Clarity appeared first on Versed Writers.
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