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Here’s Exactly What Hiring Managers Look for in a Resume Employers want to see certain keywords, in your resume.

metrics and your motivation

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Job seekers should avoid the mistake of sending identical resumes to every employer.

By Robin Madell I tr,tarch7,2016, at 9:47 a.m.

Writing or revising your resume can be a daunting undertaking. Before tackling this project, it’s

important to understand what the person on the other end of your efforts – the recruiter or hiring manager – is really looking for.

“As a recruiter, I see thousands of resumes, most of which miss the mark,n says Rebecca Barnes-

Hogg, a hiring mentor, recruiting strategist and human resources expert,’lfs heartbreaking to see talented people unable to get a job because they don’t understand how to craft a resume that markets

their skills and experience.”

But what exactly do recruiters and employers want to see? Are there certain points that, if missing from

a resume, will likely result in a candidate not being selected for an interview? What do resumes of top

candidates always contain? While some obvious advice comes to mind, like ensuring that your resume is error-free when it comes to spelling and grammar, there are some big-pictures issues to consider as well.

Here is exactly what hiring managers want to find ln your resume.

‘ Specifics about the Job posting. Don’t make the mistake of sending an identical resume to every employer. That will brand you as an amateur applicant. lnstead, read the job descrlption carefully and tailor your resume – and your cover letter – to address specilic points that the job post requires. “What

‘ I really need to know is what you have that I need – and it should immediately jump out at me,n Barnes- Flogg says. “Highllght the skills and experience I asked for in my job posting. I have about 20 seconds to scan your resume and find lhe information I need. Don’t make it hard,,,

‘ Relevant keywords. Today’s job search takes place online as well as in person. Therefore, remember that those who make hiring decisions may never find your resume on job sites if you neglect to use the right keywords. “Many recruiters are using online tools and searching for keywords to find candidates,’says Kate Zabriskie, founder and president of Business Training Works, an onsite training provider, “Put your recruiter’s hat on and ask yourself what you would type into your search engine if trying to lill the position for which you are applying. For example, a recruiter looking for a product development person with internatlonal axperience might search for’product development,’ ‘international’ and ‘negotiation.’ lf your resume is missing those words, it would most likely not rise to the top of the pile.’

‘signs of motivatlon. The language you use in your resume can provide a window into your intentions and motivations about the job to which you’re applying. Given the choice between someone who just wants a job and someone who specifically wants their job, most employers will choose the latter. “l care deeply about ‘motivational fit.’ Will they be motivated to do this job, in this company, at this time?’says Rachel Bitte, chief people officer at Jobvite, a recruiting software company. “Everyone can be enthusiastic, but will they be as motivated when they’ve processed a new hire’s paperwork for the hundredth time? A common mistake job seekers make is not explaining their motivation behind the job at hand,”

‘Quantity of lmpact. When detailing your career accomplishments, avoid being vague. Use exact numbers, dollars and quantities whenever possible. “Someone tells me they doubled the traffic to their website through marketing. I want to knou was it from 100 users to 200 users or from 1 million to 2 million?” says Matt Verbin, CFO and hiring manager of e-commerce platform Tanga. “Or they say they cut costs by doing X, Y and Z. Great, but what financial impact did that have? Hiring managers love seeing dollars and quanlities of impact.”

‘A quick-hlt professionat summary. Since the name of the game ls to get noticed by a recruiter or hiring manager, who often has only seconds to review your materials, it can help to include a professional summary or profile section at the top of your resume. This short section should highlight your unique strengths in either paragraph or bullet form. Resumes that receive the most attention include a professional summary, says Ellen Grealish, co-founder of FlexProfessionals, which matches companies looking for part-time employees with seasonad professionals seeking part-time work. “While the traditional ‘objective’ at the top of a resume tells the reader what you are looking for, make it about them.” Grealish says. “This is your opportunity to quickly sell yourself by calling out what you can bring to the role and why a hlring manager should read further.’

TAGS: careers, money, hking, interviews, resumes, job searching, cover letters

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Robin Madell has spent over two decades as a corporate writer, journalist, and communications consultant on business, leadership and career issues. She serves as a copywriter, speechwriter and ghostwriter for executives and entrepreneurs across diverse industries, including finance, technology, healthcare, law, real estate, advertising and marketing. Robin has interviewed over 1,000 thought leaders around the globe and has won 20 awards for editorial excellence. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association in both New York and San Francisco, and

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