BUSI 770 Week 5 Reply Alisa B. Pehrson
Discussion Reply: Competitive Approach, Competitive Scope, and Decision Models
For your reply, perform the following:
1.Develop a summary of one classmate’s discussion on competitive approach, competitive scope, and decision models.
2.Discuss what you did and did not agree with.
3.Support all of your factual assertions with citations.
Discussion Reply: Competitive Approach, Competitive Scope, and Decision Models
You will reply to one of your classmate’s thread.
Minimum of 250 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts
Current APA format must be used.
Content must include:
 Summary of the author’s Thread – no less than 125 words
 What you agreed with, did not agree with, and why – no less than 125 words
ï‚· Support your factual assertions with citations.
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