BUSI 830 Week 4 ( 4.1) Discussion Thread: Solutions in the Descriptive Case Study
BUSI 830 Week 4 ( 4.1) Discussion Thread: Solutions in the Descriptive Case Study
Discussion Thread: Solutions in the Descriptive Case Study
Descriptive research involves gathering data that describes naturally occurring events and then organizes, analyzes, and describes the data. Descriptive case studies do not seek to discover causal relationships, descriptive case studies can still be used as an effective method of carrying out research and lead to further research studies. For this discussion, a descriptive single-case study examines the characteristics of medication errors made by student nursing providers in the emergency room. The goal is to observe how many medication errors are occurring. The case study is organized according to three descriptive topics: medication errors made by student nurses, number of medication errors the supervising RN was aware of, and distractions within the workplace. The use of this study will help show how many errors along with where errors are occurring and can lead to further studies if new policies are put into place. The student will frame how the purpose, methodology, and results of this study would provide solutions to organizations in the health care industry.
This course explores case studies and the application of lean six sigma therein. Each Discussion Main Thread is designed to help you analyze, evaluate, and synthesize what you have learned from the reading as well as your own research from the literature and then apply that to a business issue. The application of a business solution is as unique and varied as there are business issues or challenges.
Countless consulting agencies suggest they provide guaranteed
solutions, but many times don’t have the methodologies to back them up. In the discussion main threads, you will serve as the consultant and discuss methodologies of how to apply each topic or type of case study to a specific issue. In the replies, consider yourself another consultant and while still searching for the best business solution, analyze/respond to your peer’s main thread (not restating your main thread stance, nor critiquing your peer, rather while stating your
agreement or disagreement, support or refute their approach with supporting citations). You are writing (in a scholarly manner) to the reader, not to the writer, so omit the salutations, complimentary kudos, and ‘I totally agreed with you’-type comments. Do not confuse what is required in the Case Study Projects with what is required here which is more of a business solutions application mindset.
(NOTE: Even if not officially wearing the title of ‘consultant’ in your organization, you may be asked to provide a business solution to an internal organizational issue. Regardless of titles, these scenarios are designed to get you thinking about how to apply the applicable case study to a certain type of issue.)
Requirements for every Discussion Post
The instructor will provide a single assessment of your discussion posts each module – see rubric.
Minimum of 300 words in the body
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts
Use the following outline:
Consultant’s Assessment/Recommendations
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."