BUSI 885 Task 2: Research Questions
Task 2: Research Questions
Using the White Paper titled Effective Problem Statements and Research Questions and your approved Problem Statement Bullet Outline from Task 1 as a guide, develop three to four open ended research questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no response. Good research questions are exploratory and not leading that presuppose a cause, outcome, or relationship. Where
appropriate, develop sub-questions that address facets of the overall research questions.
Following the list of research questions, you will discuss how each research question (and sub-questions) addresses aspects of the specific problem sentence to include the resulting consequences. Finally, you will discuss how taken together, the research questions (and sub-questions) fully address the specific problem statement. Include an APA formatted reference section.
Your submission will include the following:
Title Block
ï‚· Last Name, First Name
ï‚· Cognate
ï‚· Research Project Track (Dissertation or Project)
ï‚· Research Paradigm
ï‚· Planned Research Design
ï‚· Proposed Topic
Approved Problem Statement Bullet Outline from Task 1
1. General Problem Sentence
o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation
o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation
o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation
o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (Optional)
2. Specific Problem Sentence
Research Question 1, use labels RQ1, RQ1a, etc.
3.Sub question 1a (optional)
4.Sub Question 1b (optional)
Research Question 2
ï‚· Sub question 2a (optional)
ï‚· Sub Question 2b (optional)
Research Question 3
ï‚· Sub question 3a (optional)
ï‚· Sub Question 3b (optional)
Research Question 4 (optional)
ï‚· Sub question 4a (optional)
ï‚· Sub Question 4b (optional)
Discussion of Research Questions
ï‚· Research Question 1
ï‚· Research Question 2
ï‚· Research Question 3
ï‚· Research Question 4 (optional)
ï‚· Specific Problem Statement Coverage
5. Reference Section
Note for Consulting Project or Case Study Project: Once this task is approved, you may contact an organization to gauge their interest in being part of your proposed study. You may not begin to interview any participants or gather any data until you have the approval to do so in the ADRP courses. Use the Permission Request Template found in Course Content. You will be submitting your Permission Request Template in Task 6.
Submitting your Document:
You will post your submission in the assignment tab as a word document. Title your word document as follows: LastName_Task 2 Research Questions_DDMMMYY.docx Send an email to your instructor indicating that the submission was made. Include the following in your email: Last Name, First Name Task 2 Submitted
Course and Section (i.e. BUSI 885-B01)
Your chair will provide comments in Canvas within six days of receiving your email. Once your document is reviewed by your instructor, any comments received will be collected by you in a
Change Matrix document. As the comments are addressed, a brief description of the changes made will be added to the Change Matrix document for review by the instructor. Once you have made the necessary revisions, resubmit the document using the same format described above along with the Change Matrix. Send an email to your instructor indicating that the resubmission was made. Include the following in your email: Last Name, First Name
Task 2 Resubmitted
Course and Section (i.e. BUSI 885-B01)
Your instructor will provide comments in Canvas within six days of receiving your email.
Your instructor will post a ‘1’ in Canvas once the document is approved. That will be your signal to submit the next task.
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