BUSI613: Week 2 – Journal Article Review: Process Analysis Assignment
BUSI613: Week 2 – Journal Article Review: Process Analysis Assignment
In each assigned module, you will choose 1 journal article from those provided in the course. Reviews of substitute articles will not be accepted. Write a Journal Article Review of 900-1200 words, not including the title page or reference page. For each Journal Article Review, you must discuss how the theoretical model or treatment described in the article compares to the information discussed in your textbook. No more than 20% of each Journal Article Review may be quotations. You must cite and reference the original article, the course textbook, and one additional scholarly article.
Each Journal Article Review assignment must include these sections:
- Title page
- Article caption at top of first page of text (current APA style) to identify the article
- Statement of the author’s purpose
- Background of the issue
- Application of supply chain management theory relevant to article
- Managerial implications of article findings (2–3 paragraphs)
- Summary of the article and its context
- References (Current APA style)
Journal Article Review Resources
- Investigating Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance (Links to an external site.)
- The Effect of Motivators, Supply, and Lean Management on Sustainable Supply Chain Practices and Performance (Links to an external site.)
- The Structural Impact of Supply Chain Management Teams (Links to an external site.)
- Food Waste Reduction as a Challenge in Supply Chain Management
- The Adoption of Soft Skills in Supply Chain and Understanding Their Current Role in Supply Chain Management Skills Agenda (Links to an external site.)
- Future Challenges and Areas of Development for Supply Chain Management
- Building Resilient Organisations: Proactive Risk Management in Organisations and Their Supply Chains
- Is Marketing Still Part of Supply Chain Management, and Should Marketing Academics and Practitioners Care?
- The Impact of Supply Chain Management on Business Intelligence
- Green Supply Chain Management and Business Performance: The Mediating Roles of Environmental and Operational Performances (Links to an external site.)
- Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies
- Is Demand Chain Management the New Supply Chain Management?
- A Separation Between Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Governance
- Service Supply Chain Management: a Behavioural Operations Perspective (Links to an external site.)
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Continuing Evolution and Future Directions (Links to an external site.)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management Quality Improvement of Supply Chain Process Through Vendor Managed Inventor (Links to an external site.)
- Impact of Knowledge Management Capability and Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Firm Performance
- Supply Chain Management for Circular Economy (Links to an external site.)
- A Cloud-Based Supply Chain Management System: Effects of Supply Chain Responsiveness (Links to an external site.)
- Demand Chain Management: The Marketing and Supply Chain Interface Redefined
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. For more information about Turnitin, click here (Links to an external site.).
LUO Submission Policy
The first submission of this assignment will be used for grading. If you need an exception to this policy, please contact your faculty member.
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