BUSI614: Week 1- Clients and Marketing Research Results Assignment
BUSI614: Week 1- Clients and Marketing Research Results Assignment
For your Clients and Marketing Research Results Assignment:
1. Search the Bible for a verse or verses that would guide a market research analyst as you prepare to work with your clients. Your clients will need to understand how to use the
marketing results of research efforts to sell more products (increase top-line growth) or introduce new products.
2. State your Bible verse(s) and cite the book and verse(s) in current APA format.
3. In a minimum of 500 words, discuss the Bible verse(s) within the context of marketing research as well as within the context of the first 2 chapters of the textbook.
NOTE: To earn better than a minimum grade (B) in grad school, you must go beyond the minimum requirements, and you must create an assignment that is considered excellent work!
A suggested format for this assignment is as follows:
ï‚· First paragraph: discuss the Bible verse(s) from a biblical perspective. Provide context for the next 2 paragraphs.
ï‚· Second paragraph: discuss the theory of how marketing research efforts help firms with their marketing efforts. Include 2 scholarly resources (WSJ, Fortune Magazine, The
Economist, etc. are all considered scholarly). Do not hesitate to consult the marketing research journals as well.
ï‚· Third paragraph: discuss and analyze the importance of the Bible verse(s) in tempering and guiding your marketing research efforts.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."