Assignment Background: This deliverable represents the last stage of the final project for the semester. You have selected your VOICE and explained why you would like to be an advocate for this population in the workplace. Additionally, you have conducted an initial review of the literature related to your population and selected an appropriate career development theory to focus on. Now you will develop a career development program that is focused on helping your population overcome the specific challenges they face and achieve their career goals. Now that you know how to design a step-by-step career development plan for yourself, you will be challenged with developing a career development organizational function or program that would assist other employees in achieving their career goals while meeting business needs too. To end the semester, we will examine how a career development function/program can be established within an organization. To complete the VOICES project, students will design a Career Development Program that attends to the vocational/career concerns, problems, or issues of their chosen population. The previous Selecting Your VOICE and Literature Review assignments provide building blocks that will become sections of this final VOICES project. By completing this project, students will become a “voice” for the population they chose to advocate for previously. Learning Objectives:  Describe how the process of career development is helpful in empowering life choices in diverse life styles.  Explain how diverse groups are viewed and what their counseling needs/preferences are.  Assist adults of all ages, genders, ethnicity, disability status, and circumstances in the process of making positive career, educational and occupational decisions.  Describe the forces shaping the American Economy; changes in work, compensation, and occupations; and the outlook for careers in the future.  Integrate major career development theories into the career counseling process  Evaluate field-specific career development resources available regionally and online that will assist in managing the careers of employees.  Select and utilize relevant career development techniques, events, and resources. You will design a program that could be implemented within an organization. It should identify the expected outcomes of the program (how participants will be different from when they began the program). The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify how to be a successful career advocate for a specific group of individuals within the workplace. Information about the design of basic career development programs will be discussed and summarized in the Yuja video for week 14. Directions: The final segment of VOICES will be the design of a Career Development Program for the selected population. This program should attend to the vocational/career concerns, problems, or issues of your chosen population. Assume that you are in a leadership role in an organization, e.g., HR or Health Administration. You can use your own organization, one that you are familiar with, or use a fictitious organization if you wish. Given all that you have learned in the course, describe the process you would use to create a career development function within an organization. The final project should range from 10-15 pages. Students will provide answers to the following questions: ï‚· Which career development theory are you using as the foundation for your program? ï‚· What are the goals of the program, and what methods (interventions, activities, structures) will use to meet the goals of the program? ï‚· How is your program sensitive and responsive to the unique concerns of the population you are serving? In other words, don’t just describe a generic program and throw in some adjectives about “cultural sensitivity†– describe HOW the program is culturally sensitive, targeted for the group or culture that you have selected. Finally, discuss the expected outcomes of your program – how will participants be different after they participate in your program? Student projects will be assigned points on the following criteria: ï‚· A population in the workplace is clearly identified. ï‚· Career, educational, and other specific concerns for this population are accurately described and appropriately referenced. ï‚· The goals of the career development program are clear and make sense for the population identified earlier in the semester (e.g., the program is not conducting retirement planning groups for middle school students, etc.). ï‚· Program methods/activities specifically connect to the career development theory chosen. ï‚· The program design attends to the career concerns and specific challenges that were identified for the population in the Literature Review. ï‚· The submission clearly identifies the expected outcomes of the program (how participants will be different from when they began the program) and how outcomes fit with the program methods (E.g. participants will be able to …. will have accomplished…. will demonstrate the following competencies…). ï‚· The submission includes references cited in APA 7th edition format. ï‚· The submission is organized & includes an introduction, multiple descriptive headings, and a summary/conclusion. ï‚· The submission demonstrates attention to grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, and noun/verb agreement. Submit your paper in APA 7th edition style that contains a cover page, the text of your report, and a references page. Your paper should total at least 10 pages in length. Please refer to the APA tab for writing resources as well as the Yuja Videos (weeks 13 to 15) for more information. This assignment is worth 250 points total. Career Development Program Assignment Grading Sheet Criteria Points Possible Points Earned The submission demonstrates professional level writing, formatting, and organization. 100 The submission includes an overview of the program and indicates the theory that will serve as its foundation. 25 The goals of the program and the methods to be used are clearly explained. 25 The specific concerns and needs of the population are clearly identified. 25 It is clear that the program will be responsive to the unique concerns of the population to be served. 25 The submission includes the expected outcomes of the program. 25 The submission has a high probability of succeeding within an organization. 25 Total Score: 250
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