Coding a Mini Blog Angular Assignment
Coding a Mini Blog Angular Assignment
Deliverable: a GIT deposit with source code of the project on Github or Bitbucket.
One documentation for the install and the test of the project on MD (markdown) format.
We need a clear documentation.
- at least one deposit on Github or Bitbucket
- messages of describes commits of the work done on each commit,
- at least 25 commits per persons with an interval of 10min between each commit,
- at least 2 fusion commits (fusion of each of the two branches on the principal branch
- One database MySQL or MariaDB (with the SQL creation file)
- 1 logic diagram done on MySQL Workbench
Front end on Angular:
- Display articles’ list
- See only one article
- Add an article
- Modify an article
- Delete an article
- User login
- User logout
- Only one authenticated user can consult
- Quality of shaping
Backend on Node JS/Express/MySQL :
- Possibility to get the articles’ list on JSON size
- Possibility to get one article on JSON size
- Possibility to insert one article in a database using the data in JSON size
- Possibility to modify one article in a database using the data in JSON size
- Possibility to delete one article in a database using the data in JSON size
- Possibility to authenticated one user using the data in JSON size
- Only an authenticated user can use (JWT mechanism by example)
- Respect of the REST standards
Coding a Mini Blog Angular Assignment
You have to create a blog.
The welcome page will be a list of published articles. It will be possible to consult in details an article. An admin will be able to login in order to create, modify or delete an article.
A user registration won’t be possible, so the admin account will be manually created on the database.
- List the articles on the welcome page
- Watch an article
- Create an article
- Modify an article
- Delete an article
- Login
- Logout
Users and purposes:
Unregistered user:
– Can consult the articles’ list – Can watch an article – Can login
– Can consult the articles’ list – Can watch an article – Can logout – Can modify an article – Can delete an article – Can create a new article
– Front-End based on Angular 9
o Powered by Ajax Request towards the Back-End – Back-End REST based on Express and MySQL or MariaDB
Coding a Mini Blog Angular Assignment
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