**** I do not need a title page, but a reference page. 4 total resources 2 are the text, which I will reference below and 2 APA articles which are peer reviewed and from 2017-2022.
FOUR PAGES to reflect the case analysis and 1 page for reference…
You must integrate the material presented in both texts. In addition to the texts, you are required to use a minimum of two, current (5 years or less), evidence-based research articles per case to complete this assignment. Use articles from the university Virtual Library as well as online or hard copy research on counseling couples and sex therapy.
Sperry, L & Peluso, P.R. (2019). Couple therapy: Theory and effective practice. (3rd ed.). Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-48465-8
ISBN: 978-1-351-05158-3 (ebk)
Iasenza, S (2020). Transforming sexual narratives: A relational approach to sex therapy. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-20575-1
ISBN: 978-0-429-26237-1 (ebk)
- Case Two
Maria is a 25-year-old Latina who self identifies as a cisgender lesbian. Her partner Irene is a 28-year-old Chinese American who self-identifies as non-binary, bi-sexual. The couple has been together for 5 years in a monogamous relationship. Maria reports that the relationship started on rocky grounds. Irene had been in a 2-year relationship with a man when they met. The attraction was immediate and they wound up having an affair. Eventually, Irene ended the relationship with the man she was dating, and the couple moved in together. Maria feels that she and Irene were able to resolve their differences and develop a trusting and loving relationship. In the last year, Maria has sensed that Irene is distant, both sexually and emotionally. She feels that Irene is intentionally starting arguments so that she has an excuse to leave the house. Maria suspects that there is someone else in Irene’s life.
Irene does not deny that there is another person in her life, but refuses to disclose any details. Irene reports that over the past year, she has become bored in the relationship with Maria, that their sexual life had become “staleâ€. Irene states, “when Maria and I met, it was exciting to be sneaking around and being a little naughty. But I soon fell in love with her and wanted to build a life together. Then routine set in, intimacy was predictable and sex was no longer fulfilling. I asked Maria if she would be willing to have an open relationship so that we could date other people or include variety in our sex life. She was adamantly against this, so I took matters into my own hands.
The couple has sought counseling to find a mutual satisfactory compromise. As the therapist, you are wondering if trust and commitment issues are resolvable given their different relationship values.1. Discuss how a therapist might utilize two (2) of the following approaches with Maria and Irene:
- Adlerian
- Constructivist
- Third Wave
- Integrative
- Discuss the sexual narratives and challenging sexual issues you see in Maria and Irene’s relationship
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