Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages (not including cover page and resource page)
Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages (not including cover page and resource page)
Assignment Details:
Having an integrated communication strategy is of vital importance to the success of a brand. Integrated communication means that all of the key stakeholders in the company understand the product’s position in the marketplace. Before any marketing decisions are made, key stakeholders make sure that they represent the brand in the correct way.
Companies will often create brand identity guidelines to ensure that every piece of advertising has the same look and feel. An example of an award-winning integrated communication strategy is the Snickers “You’re not you when you’re hungry” campaign. This article discusses this campaign.
Deliverable: This assignment is a 3–5 page paper. You should include videos, links to Web sites, and examples of advertising.
Select any brand of cereal, and detail the company’s integrated marketing strategy. Research the brand’s integrated marketing campaign, and locate multiple media sources, including the following:
- Television
- Web sites
- Search engine results
- Social media
- Magazines
- Any other paid, owned, or earned media
Do not forget how the product is merchandised in the store. Please use these examples in your paper.
After conducting your research, summarize the key elements of the company’s integrated marketing campaign. Include the following elements in your paper:
- What is the key message across all media types?
- What are the key design elements (e.g., tonality, emotional response, colors, and images used in the campaign)?
- What does the marketer ask the customer to do? What is the call to action?
- In your opinion, is this an integrated marketing campaign? Explain why or why not.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."