Describe a GIS Ecological Marine Dataset
Answer the following 4 question. 1. Question 1: Conduct a websearch for a GIS Python: scikit-learn. Describe scikit-learn, what is used for and how it is used for in 3-5 sentences in your own words. You can refer to as a start point. 2. Question 2: Conduct a websearch for a GIS Python: seaborn. Describe seaborn, what is used for and how it is used for in 3-5 sentences in your own words. You can refer to as a start point. 3. Question 3: Conduct a websearch for GIS Ecological Marine dataset. Describe a GIS Ecological Marine dataset is and what is used for is in your own words. 4. Question 4: Conduct a websearch for GIS Pearson’s correlation. Describe what GIS Pearson’s correlation is and what is used for is in your own words.
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