Discuss The Food Industry And Marketing As A Social Issue
You will develop a seven-paragraph causal analysis essay where you will discuss the food industry and marketing as a social issue. You will also learn how to enter an academic or professional conversation by summarizing and paraphrasing an author’s main points and using evidence from sources to support your claims. Think about different ways you can discuss the food industry. You might discuss the organic food industry and agriculture. What effect does the food industry’s cheap prices and high demand have on agriculture? You might discuss the fast food industry marketing towards certain socioeconomic groups. How does the food industry target communities or schools, and what is the cause-effect relationship here? Should the fast food industry take some responsibility for the role they play in health problems in our nation’s children? How the industry might directly be causing obesity? Whatever you decide, you must have five main points (5 supporting paragraphs) to support your argument. You must also decide whether you will focus on cause or effect and stick with one pattern for developing your argument. At least one reputable, reliable source should be used to support your argument and set up the conversation. A source can be used in support of your own ideas, or as a launching point for your disagreement. You can use other sources, but they should be from an accredited, peer reviewed journal and not a random website or blog online. You can also use a food industry documentary as a source. You must include direct quotes, summary or paraphrase, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page listing the primary text and any other resources. MLA format is required. You should also strive to maintain a balance between your ideas and your source material. Integrate sources, but lead with your own ideas. Use signal phrases to distinguish your writing from your sources, and follow all information with an in-text citation. Third person point of view is required. Some basic rules: The essay must have a thesis statement that states your stance on the topic and establishes the cause and effect relationship between two things. Your thesis cannot be a question. You can ask a question to prompt a thesis, but you must make an original and arguable claim on the topic. The introduction must introduce the central issue you are discussing You must have at least one source to support your argument, and the source must come from an accredited, academic journal that has been peer reviewed, or the source must be from a reputable website like the CDC or the World Health Organization. Source material should be introduced before paraphrasing, summarizing, or quoting, including the author’s name and the title of the work. All source material must be attributed to the author using signal phrases and in-text citations. You should have 5 supporting paragraphs with topic sentences that introduce the main idea in each paragraph. The topic sentence cannot be a quote or someone else’s ideas. The essay should be written in third person point of view and present verb tense. When paraphrasing and summarizing another person’s ideas from an article or book, present verb tense should always be used. MLA format, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page are required. Basic grammar—check for basic grammatical errors like fragments, run-ons, subject/verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and comma placement. I attached the files she gave us to use as sources.
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