EDCE 512 Quiz 6 (2019)

EDCE 512 Quiz 6 (2019)


  1. Messages that come from the Parent ego state of the parents are known as:
  2. MI is designed to evoke and explore:
  3. In a group setting, free association could be used for:
  4. Person-centered groups, whose size often reached 75 to 800 people, were developed by _______________and were called:
  5. Which statement(s) is (are) untrue of the analytic group?
  6. Interpretations in the analytic group are made by:
  7. Transactional analysis (TA) is:
  8. A personal _________________ is an unconscious life plan made in childhood, reinforced by the parents, “justified” by subsequent events, and culminating in a chosen alternative.
  9. The third phase of a psychodrama consists of:
  10. Authenticity consists of:
  11. The attitudes of leader congruence, accurate empathic understanding, and caring are considered by the person-centered approach to be:
  12. Which of the following is generally a part of the working phase of a cognitive-behavioral group?
  13. In the __________________ model of change, people are assumed to progress through a series of five identifiable stages in the counseling process.
  14. The _______________________ is a form of therapeutic alliance between members in cognitive-oriented groups.
  15. Which of the following is not one of the four essential aims of existential humanistic therapy?
  16. Which statement(s) is (are) false as applied to psychodrama?
  17. The concept of freedom in the existential approach implies that group members:
  18. In today’s clinical practice, an interpretation is viewed as:
  19. Which of the following is not true of anxiety from an existential perspective?
  20. An advantage of a group is that:
  21. Which is not a part of the stages of analytic groups?
  22. In the _________________, there is no intention of changing a behavior pattern.
  23. According to TA, a contract by group members:
  24. Psychodrama was designed to facilitate the expression of feelings in a spontaneous and dramatic way through the use of:
  25. Resistance in the psychoanalytic approach is viewed as:

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