electronic health records (EHR)

electronic health records (EHR)


The Institute of Medicine has recommended that electronic health records (EHR) should possess eight core functions including: Health information and data, Result management, Order management, Decision support, Electronic communication and connectivity, Patient support, Administrative processes and reporting, and Reporting and population health. Research the Internet for information on EHR, EMR, and PHR, such as can be found at the Web site, www.healthit.gov/providers-professionals/benefits-electronic-health-records-ehrs -Answer the following: 1. Identify the primary differences between an electronic medical record (EMR), electronic health record (EHR), and a personal health record (PHR). 2. What are the primary technical and design complexity issues with delivering these EHR eight core functions? Choose 1 issue and identify how you would address it. 3. How does the integration that is required between the EHR and other middleware products vary depending on whether one is running locally, on an office-based LAN, or online within an ASP model? Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. Answer in your own words or paraphrase your work. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.

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