Every day, employees bring to work their attitudes about the organization, the job, and coworkers

Every day, employees bring to work their attitudes about the organization, the job, and coworkers

Every day, employees bring to work their attitudes about the organization, the job, and coworkers. Some of the attitudes may interfere with their performance, but others may actually contribute to work and organizational effectiveness. It is often easy to spot the negative attitudes. Less often, positive attitudes are the topic of conversation. Be that as it may, recognizing attitudes that contribute to personal and organizational success is an important skill that I/O consultants acquire and develop.

In this Discussion, you will explore how job attitudes can affect performance, organizational citizenship, and organizational effectiveness using an example from your own experience.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Reflect back on your own job experiences and/or those of past or current coworkers. Consider all that you have learned from this week as well as all of the previous course readings, discussions, and assignments.
  • Read the article “Attitudes and Attitude Change.” Consider how attitude, job related or not, can be fixed and change in a moment due to personal values as well as social and sociohistorical events.
  • Read the article “Improving Firm Performance Through Inter-Organizational Collaborative Innovations: The Key Mediating Role of the Employee’s Job-Related Attitudes.” Think about the mediating role HR can play in employee job attitudes.
  • Read the article “An Extended Model of the Interaction Between Work-Related Attitudes and Job Performance.” Reflect on the analysis of organizational support (POS), job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on job attitudes.
  • Read the article “Attitude, Job Satisfaction, and Task Performance of Thai Millennial Employees Toward Workplace Fun.” Think about the role of workplace fun in increasing job satisfaction and job performance.
  • Read the article “The Impact of Job Satisfaction, Organization Commitment, Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Employees’ Performance.” Consider how OCB can mediate performance of employees.
  • Read the article “The Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Capital: A Meta-Analytic Approach.” Think about leader and member psychological capital and OCB and the effects on job performance.

By Day 3

Post a response to the following:

Provide an example of how job attitudes can affect performance, organizational citizenship, and organizational effectiveness. Base your comments from personal observation, as well as drawing from the relevant empirical literature.

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