expected to supply a professional report
Contribution to assessment – 30%
You are expected to supply a professional report as would be expected in the workplace. A 10% penalty (reducing the overall mark) will be applied where answers are difficult to access or identify due to poor presentation related to either stylistic or technical reasons.
This assignment assesses your ability to calculate and interpret data (analytical skills) plus how this may feed into management plans or strategies (interpretation of analytical results). Take carful note of the marks allocated for each part as a guide to the effort required to provide a sufficient answer that part.
For each question, the course content provides a comparable worked example that will assist you to construct your answers. See also the online videos available at the Moodle site.
Format is open – you may submit using MS Excel (preferred), MS Word, –or use both (or other similar software).
Students can form a group of 2-3 for this assignment.
• Each question contributes 10% towards assessment in the course.
• Submit online at the course site.
• Multiple files are allowed (e.g., MS Excel file and MS Word file). It is recommended that you use MS Excel exclusively—though take care to make the final answer to each part obvious to the marker.
• Mark clearly the question and part attempted and include your name or student ID in the files.
• Note the weight of parts within questions.
Question 1
The Endless Point Rest is a popular and friendly family coastal resort. The resort consists of 122 self contained family style units and 24 hour reception. The pricing policy follows a fixed low rack rate; the same price on every room. This strategy keeps the guest rolling in and makes the resort the envy of other local accommodation providers as these establishments are rarely more than half full. The friendly owners of Endless Point Rest, known as Ma and Pa, have a policy of not charging no shows. As Ma says “if they can’t come then we got no right to take away their hard earned money and anyway, we want to see them next time.”
Just today, Ma and Pa’s son Emmet has returned home after completing his business degree. He sits Ma and Pa down.
“Ma and Pa, we don’t have to be losing money – we’re fully booked every night of the year – and don’t you see that a no show means the room is lost?” Emmet’s eyes light up. “I can do some calculations and work out a plan – but we need to overbook!”
“I don’t know Emmet” says Pa, “we still got the room for the next night but I can’t build another one in just a few hours if too many families show up. And that old tent with holes we used to use for emergencies just aint so popular anymore. ”
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