Food nutrition

Food nutrition



Analyze the graph below and define empty-calorie food. Your challenge is to use about 50 words (no less than 40, but no more than 60) to come up with your own definition. Be original and do not copy-paste. Plagiarism will not be tolerated under no circumstances and in any form. Upload your Short Opinion as a Word document using the class Assignment Submission tool by Friday, October 9 no later than 5PM EST. You may upload your Short Opinion anytime before the due date.



Dr. Jaczynski was granted a patent in 2010. Your assignment is to retrieve the following information for the patent:

Inventor(s) Name(s),
Patent Number,
Filing Date,
Issue Date,
Patent Title.
Upload your Short Opinion as a Word document using the class Assignment Submission tool by Friday, October 23 no later than 5PM EST. You may upload your Short Opinion anytime before the due date.


Critically evaluate a diet/nutrition/food advertisement. The advertisement can be from television, magazine, newspaper, or internet. You may use the internet to research the product being sold. To clue you in, be sure to include the following in your paper:

Identify what product is being advertised.
How the advertisement attempts to influence your food choices?
What audience is being targeted?
What attributes of the product are emphasized?
What mechanism is used to hold your attention?
How factual is the information?
What is used to lend credibility to advertiser’s alleged claims?
What part of the truth remains undisclosed?
In your opinion, how effective is the advertisement?

The post Food nutrition first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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