Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content.
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Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content. Written and oral presentation on the field of study experience, in combination with independent research and course content, will be essential elements of your graduate studies.
To have an experience isn’t enough to establish learning – you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience, considering what you learned from it in order to take something away from it!
After completing the assigned readings, and your independent research, prepare a 12-18 PowerPoint slide presentation comparing and contrasting the major elements of data discovery methods.
Within your presentation begin with the following questions:
- Why is it important to accurately inventory the data currently under an organizations control (remember they are ultimately the data owner)?
- What data discovery methods could be used by an organization to ensure that they have accurately captured all of their data (you don’t have to use only the examples in the textbook, please feel free to do independent research)?
- Of the methods you researched, which would be the best option for an organization?
- Include a cover slide, introductory slide, conclusion slide, and references slide. All of these slides will not count in your required total of slides.
Keep in Mind: You will need to perform independent research beyond the course text materials in order to discuss and explain the elements of a comprehensive and well-thought-out position. Consider all facets that are necessary to be proactive and successful in evaluating not only what is happening now, but also the potential future landscape.
Your presentation should include a cover slide, abstract, introduction, conclusion, and references. These slides are not included in the total slide count needed for this assignment. With your references, plan to put them in APA format. Information on APA formatting can be found through the Maryville University Library Citation Libguide. (Links to an external site.)
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