How Animals Should Be Treated

How Animals Should Be Treated



Think like a rule utilitarian to answer the question: is everyone morally required to adopt a pet from an animal shelter–as long as they are able to care for an animal? For reference, read (or skim) the following article:

Top Reasons to Adopt a Pet

Your answer to this question must have two elements:

1.) State the moral view you believe a rule utilitarian would take.

2.) Write an argument for this moral view (in paragraph form, not “P1-P2 form”) using rule utilitarianism to create a complete argument.

Your answer must be your own work and in your own, unique, original words. In writing your answer, do not rework content from the instructor’s sample answer from the video lecture by replacing words with synonyms, reordering sentence components, cutting content, or otherwise modifying the sample answer. Using someone else’s writing that way is a form of plagiarism. Write your own answer from scratch. It must contain the required content, but you must express that content through your own, original writing. The only matching content should be the 3-6 key words/phrases associated with rule utilitarianism (such as “rule”) that Dr. Stansell specified you should include. Suggested length: 100-300 words.


Question: Evaluate Peter Singer’s argument against speciesism using Evaluative Strategy 3.

Note: Below is a reconstruction of this argument. It has been provided so that you can refer to individual P’s easily by their label (P1, P2, and so on) without having to write out the whole P each time. It does not include the same level of detail that the reading includes; the P’s have been stated briefly and succinctly. If you have not read or did not understand Singer’s “All Animals Are Equal,” it’s possible you could misinterpret the P’s of the argument reconstruction and your misinterpretation could result in your argument evaluation being ineffective. It is important that you read and understand Singer’s “All Animals Are Equal” before answering this test question (it was assigned reading). To score well, your argument evaluation must reflects an accurate understanding of Singer’s argument from the reading.

P1. People have differing genetics, levels of intelligence, physical strength, ability to communicate, and so on.

P2. The one and only reason we should give people equal moral consideration is that they have the capacity to feel pleasure and pain.

P3. Many species of animals can feel pleasure and pain.

C. Animals that can feel pleasure and pain deserve moral consideration equal to what we extend to humans.

Your answer must be your own work in your own unique, original words.


How should animals be treated? Write your own moral argument to support your moral view. Present your argument in argument reconstruction format (one premise per line, label the premises P1, P2, and so on, write the conclusion last and label it C).

Important: When ideas that you include in your argument match or are very similar to ideas we read about in assigned readings, you must mentioned that similarity and name the author to which your idea is similar.

Your answer must be your own work and in your own, unique, original words.

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