Review Chapter 4, pages 46–51, in your textbook, God with Us: An Introduction to the Old Testament.
Review the following in A standard translation of the Bible as noted in the syllabus:
Ezekiel 36 and 37, 48:35
Exodus 40:34–38
1 Kings 8:1–21
Daniel 10 and 11
Write a paper addressing the following:
Compare Ezekiel 37:26–28 to Exodus 40:34–38 and 1 Kings 8:1–21. (500 words)
Discuss the important “signs” given in these passages, which help assure God’s people that they are to be restored.
Describe what you can learn about God from the last sentence in the book of Ezekiel (48:35).
The first fulfillment of Daniel 11:31–32 came during the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, and the time of the Maccabean revolt. This happened in 168 BC. (500 words)
How many years after Daniel’s vision was this fulfillment? Discuss how a prophecy spoken that far into the distant future could encourage Daniel’s people.
Discuss how reading Old Testament prophecies encourages us now, especially when we don’t understand all the symbolism.
Refer to Chapter 4, pages 46–51 (“Prophecy”) in your textbook for help in answering these questions.
Why were the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles written? Discuss how these books contributed to the reestablishment of the nation of Israel. (500 words)
Describe how God used Alexander the Great and the scattering of the Jews to prepare the way for His message to come to all nations. Discuss at least three developments in our day that might be used—or even orchestrated—by God for His purposes. (1000 words)
Be sure to cite and reference your textbook where you quote or paraphrase the author’s thoughts. Cite scriptures you use in your paper. All citations should be formatted using correct APA format.
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