How The Hatian Revolution Constitutes An Instance Of Collective Behavior
My case selection: Hatian Revolution (protest) and 1997 Asian financial crisis (economic panic)
[unless you find something more interesting]
Each case study should cover information on:
a) Spectators/Participants
b) Structural/Material Environmental Conditions
c) Communication Capacities and Information Dissemination
d) Extant Social Conditions/Dynamics
Format: ASA:
a. Introduction
b. Brief Desсrіption of the Event(s) and how it constitutes an instance of Collective Behavior
c. Summary of Collected Data: This can be accomplished either as an integrated essay format,
or by summarizing the information for each category separately.
d. Analysis of Event: This will involve utilizing the multiple theoretical perspectives explored in
the course [Contagion Theory, Emergent Norm Theory, Value-Added Theory, and
(potentially) the Socio-Cybernetic Model*]. The goal is to highlight what this perspective
tells us about the event, and not necessarily to evaluate a specific theory.
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