How Were People Punished Before The Invention Of The Prison
The goal of criminal law is to reduce harm while also balancing our need for security with our desire for liberty. In this essay, please explore how this dynamic impacts how the U.S. polices criminal behavior and punishes those convicted of crimes. Begin by briefly explaining the concept of substantive criminal law. In doing so please define this concept, explain how it is distinct from procedural law, and give at least one example of it. Next, explore how attitudes towards policing and punishment have changed over time. How were people punished before the invention of the prison? In what ways did prisons change the way punishment is carried out? The United States has seen a dramatic increase in the number of people who have been incarcerated since the 1980s. Some argue that this increase is an appropriate response to rising crime rates. Others argue that it is a reflection of systematic biases within the criminal justice system. Which argument do you find most convincing and why? Be sure to use specific examples to support your answer.
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