Human Resource Functions – The Nursing TermPaper

Human Resource Functions – The Nursing TermPaper


36108 1 Page Within 12hrsMay 1, 2021Overview Of Healthy People 2020May 1, 2021

Addressing Key Human Resource FunctionsPart 1Training staff is important for employers as training focuses on current job requirements. Employers’ responsibilities around staff development arguably are not as obvious since development focuses on enhancing skills required for future jobs.Respond to the following questions in relation to staff development:Do you think employers should invest in staff development? Why or why not?In what ways can decisions about staff development affect a public health organization’s staffing plan?What strategies would you recommend to balance the benefits of staff development with budgetary constraints?Part 2Fair and adequate compensation is critical for attracting the most qualified employees and retaining and motivating staff. When determining compensation, consideration should be given to fair and equitable compensation among all workers in the same company (internal equity) and fair and equitable compensation relative to the external market (external equity).Consider the following scenario:You have two medical assistants (MAs) who earn $15 per hour at your medical practice. When you hire a new MA, you discover that the current market pays $16 per hour for medical assistants.Respond to the following discussion points in relation to equity conflicts and compensation:State what you would offer the new MA and provide your reasons.Discuss the implications of your decisions on internal and external equity.Evaluate the changes, if any, you would make in the compensation of your current MAs.Recommend strategies for resolving similar equity conflicts with compensation.Performance evaluations can be stressful for both employers and employees. Nevertheless, performance appraisals have a number of benefits for both employers and staff.Respond to the following questions in relation to performance evaluation:In what ways do performance evaluations benefit employers?In what ways do performance evaluations benefit employees?HR departments play an essential role in developing an agency’s staffing strategy and handling employee-centered activities of an organization. The presence of an HR department, however, does not absolve individual managers within the agency of human resources responsibilities.Respond to the following questions in relation to HR issues:What role, if any, do managers have in addressing HR issues or concerns?How does this differ from the role of the HR department staff?Answer questions fully. No amount of pages. Not needed to be in formal paper form.Please in text cittions, references and no plagerism Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.
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