Human Resource Management homework help
As she begins her new journey at CSU, Claudia has identified a new goal that she has, but she still needs your help. Review the material that is found within this unit. Click here to access the goal worksheet, and use this worksheet to help Claudia summarize a SMART plan for managing her goals and priorities. In the same worksheet, complete a SMART plan for your own goals and priorities. Unit I Goal Worksheet What is Claudia’s goal for this course? Complete the table below.
QuestionsFill in information below. (Provide a minimum of 10 words per question.)
Specific (Claudia needs to determine her specific goals for this course.)
Measurable (How will she know that she has succeeded?)
Attainable (Is it realistic to complete her goal along with her other priorities?)
Relevant (How will completing her courses impact her larger goal of obtaining her degree?)
Timely (How long should it take?)
What priorities does she have that could pose as obstacles on her path for success? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response. [Enter your response here] What is the best advice that you can give Claudia to help her manage her goals and priorities? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response. [Enter your response here] What is your goal for this course? Complete the table below.
QuestionsFill in information below. (Provide a minimum of 10 words per question.)
Specific (You need to determine your specific goals for this course.)
Measurable (How will you know that you have succeeded?)
Attainable (Is it realistic to complete your goal along with your other priorities?)
Relevant (How will completing your courses impact your larger goal of obtaining your degree?)
Timely (How long should it take?)
What priorities do you have that could pose as obstacles on your path for success? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response. [Enter your response here] What strategies will you employ to help manage your goals and priorities? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response. [Enter your response here] “Our Prices Start at $11.99. As Our First Client, Use Coupon Code GET15 to claim 15% Discount This Month!!”
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