identify, review, and critique an actual IEP process
IEP Analysis- This assignment will require that you identify, review, and critique an actual IEP process. This may be completed in small groups up to four members. . After viewing a good IEP meeting and a flawed meeting, you will complete an analysis. This analysis will include a brief description of the case at hand and a compare and contrast analysis of the meetings. The compare and contrast will note areas of compliance and areas of noncompliance. You will then provide recommendations on how to improve the meeting, paying special attention to the fulfillment of the documentation of consent and participation and 8 components of the process. Collaboration Guidelines: Collaboration is encouraged and these guidelines must be followed Each candidate will submit the assignment to the drop box. Groups of two four may work on one assignment together. The groups need to change members for each assignment A brief summary (100-150) words should be submitted with any collaborative assignment that discusses the collaborative experience and lessons learned. Directions 1. Read the article on the IEP Process. 2. Watch the following videos on the IEP Process CHAPTER 1 -The IEP Team Process: Chapter 1 – IDEA and IEPs CHAPTER 2 The IEP Team Process: Chapter 2 – The IEP Team CHAPTER 3 The IEP Team Process: Chapter 3 – What’s Included in the IEP CHAPTER 4 The IEP Team Process: Chapter 4 – Getting Ready for the IEP Meeting CHAPTER 5 The IEP Team Process: Chapter 5 – The IEP Meeting 3. Now armed with all this knowledge, you will compare and contrast 2 IEP meetings; one entitled quality /successful and one deemed inappropriate/noncollaboeative View each ? Noncollaborative meeting- ? Example of successful IEP - For this paper, you will share 1. A SUMMARY OF EACH MEETING. Be sure to address a. Relevant information about the child share- age, grade,, placement, eligibility category, main areas in which disability impairs students ability fully participate in general education, & other relevant information about the student. b. Current Placement: description of current placement to include ( if available) disabilities being served, number & types of students being served, % of day student participates in general education, areas in which student is included in general education. c. School: provide a description of the school the child attends to include any information provided note what is missing such as :general geographical description of the area, general SES of the area, number of students enrolled, grades served, ethnic makeup of the school, & school-wide performance & API scores. 2. EXPLANATION OF IEP PROCESS a. Explanation of your understanding of eligibly with RtI, FAPE, LRE b. List whether the components of IEP- – 8 elements were addressed or not i. Component 1: The Present Level of Performance ii. Component 2: Annual Goals iii. Component 3: Reporting of Student Progress iv. Component 4: Accommodations, Modifications, and Support Services v. Component 5: Least Restrictive Environment and Related Services vi. Component 6: Participation in State and Districtwide Assessments vii. Component 7: Frequency and Duration of Services viii. Component 8: Transition Services ix. Documentation of Participation, Consent and Prior Notice 3. COMPARE & CONTRAST for non-compliance & compliance a. The compliance & noncompliance area s should address both procedural (adherence to timelines, parent notification, IEP attendees, signatures, paperwork completed properly, etc.) and substantive (correct placement, meaningful goals and objectives, LRE & FAPE provided, etc.) issues. In order to earn points for this section you should specify which laws (CA Code of Regs., IDEA, & Case Law) are NOT being followed. If no violations are noted, you are required to identify an additional 2-3 areas in which you noted compliance. b. Address whether the notice of procedural safeguards was followed and what might be out of compliance. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS to Improve the process In this section you will provide a list of recommendations that will bring the IEP back into compliance on BOTH procedural & substantive violations. You will also give recommendations on how the meeting could and should be improved. In other words, what would you do to make it better for the parents, the child and the teachers. Identify strategies you would use to improve the process for collaboration and communication and for compliance. . FRAMEWORK FOR THE PAPER I. SUMMARY IF EACH written as a narrative. II. EXPLANATION of IEP Process Explanation of your understanding of eligibly with RtI, FAPE, LRE and addressing all components required. III. COMPARE & CONTRAST for non-compliance & compliance The compliance & noncompliance area s should address both procedural and substantive areas. Be sure to discuss laws and whether the notice of procedural safeguards was followed and what might be out of compliance. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR improvement In this section you will provide a list of recommendations that will bring the IEP back into compliance on BOTH procedural & substantive violations or would improve the quality of collaboration and
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