LB5241 Leadership Developing a Leadership Framework

LB5241 Leadership Developing a Leadership Framework


Assessment 2
LB5241 Leadership
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
Assessment One (50%) is due Sunday, 31 May 1800hrs – Week 13
Individual or Group.
Length 3500 words (+ or– 10%) %). NOTE: Title page, TOC, Executive
Summary and References DO NOT count as part of the word count.
Assignment submission: ONLY Via the “SafeAssign” drop box in the
Assessment folder on LearnJCU.
‘SafeAssign’ drop box will be available from Monday from Monday 11 May.
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
The aim of this assessment is to critically apply leadership framework(s) to
move towards resolving the wicked problem developed in assessment 1.
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
Building upon the ‘wicked’ problem and potential leadership implications
described and discussed in Assessment Task One, create an essay (3,500
words in length) or multi-media equivalent that develops a leadership
approach/framework to move towards remediating the wicked problem.
Draw from readings, resources, lived personal experiences and observations
of inform the essay or multi-media presentation.
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
Assessment Task Two requires application of topics from weeks 1-11. In

Task Requirement
1 Identify the critical leadership issues necessary to move towards a resolution of
the wicked problem.
2 Critically apply the critical leadership issues identified in 1 above to the wicked
3 Justify your conclusion that the critical leadership issues are in fact pertinent to
the ‘Wicked’ problem.
4 Develop a leadership approach/framework to move towards a resolution of the
‘Wicked’ problem.
5 Justify how your leadership approach/framework will contribute to a resolution
of the ‘Wicked’ problem.

Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework

Structure of Essay:
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Introduction (including brief description of wicked problems and competing values)
5. Description of identified ‘social or business issue’ problem
6. Discussion of wicked problem characteristics as applying to ‘social or business issue’ problem
7. Discussion and justification that ‘social or business issue’ problem is a wicked problem
8. Discussion of application of competing values framework to wicked problem
9. Discussion of implication and interplay of identified competing values in the wicked problem
10.Discuss potential leadership implications
What is NOT counted in the word count:
• Title Page
• Table of Contents
• Executive Summary
• References

Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
What does Critically Reflect mean?
Critical reflection is a reasoning process to make meaning of an experience.
Critical reflection is descriptive, analytical, and critical, and can be
articulated in a number of ways such as in written form, orally, or as an
artistic expression.
What does critical thinking mean?
The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a
What does Identify mean?
To identify means to find the key point(s), issue(s), criteria, etc., relating to
the topic or issue under consideration, analysis or discussion.
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
What does Justify mean?
To justify requires supporting an argument or conclusion; give reasons for
your statements or comments.
What does Discuss mean?
To discuss requires an answer that explains an item or concept, and then
gives details about it with supportive information, examples, points for and
against, and explanations for the facts put forward. It is important to give
both sides of an argument and come to a conclusion.

Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
What does Discuss mean?

To discuss requires an answer that explains an item or concept,
and then gives details about it with supportive information,
examples, points for and against, and explanations for the facts
put forward. It is important to give both sides of an argument and
come to a conclusion.
What’s the difference between Explain and Describe?
To describe is to give an account of something and any details
pertaining to that something. To explain is to give an account of
something and any details pertaining to that something with the
goal of clarifying it to someone, or making something easier to
understand, or making some concept known.
Assessment Two – Developing a Leadership Framework
4.2 Plagiarism and referencing
Plagiarism occurs when writers claim ownership of written words or ideas that are not their own. Plagiarism is a
form of cheating and any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with promptly according to University procedures.
Please see the JCU Student Academic Misconduct Requirements Policy
Also see the definition of self plagiarism in the JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy and note policy
statement 5.9 in regard to submission of one’s own work that has been previously submitted for assessment and
received a grade
Referencing is a systematic way of acknowledging the sources that you have used. Students should check out the
very helpful online resources relating to academic writing, referencing and avoiding plagiarism at:
Writing and Maths Skills Online (In particular, the
booklet Summarising, Paraphrasing & Avoiding Plagiarism is a very useful guide).
The Referencing Libguide
What is Plagiarism?
If you are NOT sure, find out. Don’t risk failing the assessment or the subject because of plagiarism. If it is ‘OK’ in
your country, it is NOT here.

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