Literature Review | homework crew
Literature Review ChapterHere need to divide the previous studies into three groups:The previous studies in engineering articles on the scope of occupants and energy consumption inbuildings need to be grouped into three groups:Group 1, articles about analyzing occupant data using analytical methods to identify the occupantpatterns, profiles or demonstrate the impact of occupancy numbers on energy usage.Group 2, articles focusing on developing models (HMM, Markov Model, ANN, and SVM) for predicting ordetecting the existing or future number of occupants in the building or their energy usage for a certainperiod of time.Group 3, articles developing building energy simulation model (e.g., Energy plus, design builder, OpenStudio, etc.) to simulate the usage of energy based on the measured occupancy schedule or energy usageto find the impact of occupancy numbers on energy usage in relation to the building operation time,building size, and occupancy patterns to understand the performance gap between the actual andsimulated usage data.How to write:It will be three sections for each groupGroup 1: 4 pagesSection 1write about the aim of the article, type of building, how the data was collected, how long the data wascollected, and the result of the article.Section 2write about how the data was collected, the resolution of the instrument (like sensor) used in collectingthe data, the accuracy of the instrument used, how the data was analyzed, what kind of data analysismethods were used, the interval/ resolution of the data collected and analyzed.Section 3“critical review” The study’s limitation in the method followed in collecting the data (instrument), in thedata collected, and in the data analyzed. Also, the future work of the article.Page 2 of 4Group 2: 8 pagesSection 1write about the aim of the article, whether it predicts or detects occupants or is about energy prediction,the type of model used, type of the building, how the data was collected, how long the data was collected,the result of the article.Section 2write about how the data collected, the resolution of the data collected, the accuracy of the method usedto collect the data, what is the input of the prediction/ detection model, the resolution of the outcome,and for how long the detection/ prediction was.Section 3“critical review” the limitation of the study in the model selection, method of collecting the data, theresolution of the data, the results, and the future work.Group 3: 4 pagesSection 1write about the aim of the article, is it predicting/ simulation occupants or energy usage, how the datawas collected, type of building.Section 2write about how the data was collected, the resolution of the data collected, the accuracy of the methodused to collect the data, duration of data collection, what is used as an input for the simulation model,the resolution of the outcome data of the model, and duration of data outcomes.Section 3“critical review” the limitation of the study in the model selection, method of collecting the data, theresolution of the data, the input of the model, the results, and the future work.Articles selection– Avoid review/ comprehensive articles – Avoid conference papers, books, and thesis/ dissertation– Choose articles that cover all the points with rich details– Articles from 2015 to 2022 – Avoid combining articles– Make sure the articles are related to occupancy number, not occupancy behaviour. The articles relatedto simulation have to be related to the usage of occupancy numbers or patterns to show their impact onenergy usage.Page 3 of 4Number of articlesGroup 1: you need to list 20 articles and write about only 10 (4 pages)Group 2: you need to list 12 articles on HMM, 6 articles on Markov Model, 12 articles on ANN, and 6articles on SVM. Write 8 articles on HMM, 2 articles on Markov Model, 8 articles on ANN, and 2 articles (8pages)In the selected articles for writing show the period of collecting the data and the period of the modeloutcome prediction.Group 3: you need to list 20 articles and write about only 10 (4 pages)The articles selected needs to demonstrate how the occupancy number is important for model prediction,energy simulation, different applications, etc.*The meaning of listing, e.g., Articles used HMM to predict the occupancy number in the building [1-5],…studies to predict the energy [6-12]. Then you choose 8 articles to write about predicting the occupancynumbers (4articles) and energy usage (4articles).ReferencingUse numbers [1] in-text (use any reference style use numbers in the text – e.g., Vancouver style)In summaryGroup 1: list 20 articles and write about only 10 – (4 pages)Group 2: list 36 articles and write about only 20 – (8 pages)Group 3: list 20 articles and write about only 10 – (4 pages)The total of articles is 76 – total of articles to write about 40 articles – total number of pages is 16 pages.All 76 articles will be checked for consistency with the relevant written textAny differences or writing info that not mentioned in the articleThe article and the text written about it will be required to rewrite it again or replaced with a new articleI wrote everything in detail – but if you have any questions, please let me knowPage 4 of 4Follow this templet in your writingGroup 1: 4 pagesSection 1… textSection 2… textSection 3… textGroup 2: 8 pagesSection 1… textSection 2… textSection 3… textGroup 3: 4 pagesSection 1… textSection 2… textSection 3… text
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