Long term residential topic | Applied Sciences homework help

Long term residential topic | Applied Sciences homework help


students will submit their choice of Long Term Care or Residential Facility Assignment (MUST BE LOCATED IN NEW YORK).  Students will include the following. https://profiles.health.ny.gov/nursing_home#5.79/41.64/-75.283

  • The name of the Facility
  • The location and how many people are at this Facility.
  • What services are offered? (do not cut and paste – use your own words otherwise this will show up in Turnitin as plagiarism. 
  • List the web site of the facility and two other scholarly sources where you are going to research your topic.

The name of the Facility (this facility must be listed in the nursing home compare website.  This then excludes assisted living and senior housing facilities to name two. The location and how many people are at this Facility. What services are offered. List the web site of the facility and two other scholarly sources where you are going to research your topic. The topic assignment should be written in APA format.  Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.  It should not be in list format but a narrative that you will be prepared to use as an introduction for your final paper.  Provide a title page and a reference page separate from the main content.   The content can be one to two pages.

Choice of appropriate facility and providing the name of the facility 10%

The location and number of residents 15%

The type of facility and the services that the facility provides.Put this in your own words or Turnitin will identify it as plagiarism 30%

The reference list with two scholarly resources 10%

Grammar and spelling 10%

APA format and structured to guidelines with intext citations used throughout the paper.  10%

Written in student’s own words.  No quotes or copied material. 15%

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