2 ASSESSMENTS There are 2 parts to this assessment: ASSIGNMENT 1 Part 1: Essay (Written assignment): A review on food additives with emphasis on nomenclature( talk about how food additives are classified in classes according to their functions), Different classes of food additives(select 5 classes: 1 specific example from each food additive class you selected ) , benefits, side effects, and toxicity testing of food additives (2,000 words with at least 11 references ONLY PEER-REVIEWED RESEARCH ARTICLES OR REVIEW PAPERS published after 2005). DO NOT USE BOOK CHAPTERS Discuss in general: nomenclature, benefits, potential side effects of all classes of food additives • Discuss in general: Toxicity testing of food additives-very shortly • Discuss in detail: Select any 5 Food Additive classes. Discuss in detail 1 specific example from each food additive class you selected. Emphasis should be on: Benefits and side effects. (Do NOT discuss toxicity testing here). REFERENCE STYLE: APA 6th Assessment will be marked based on the following. Extent and accuracy of information (40%), understanding and interpretation of information (20%), application and discussion of information (20%), clarity, structure and organisation of the written assignment (20%).
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