One of the main objective of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals is providing decent work
One of the main objective of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals is providing decent work. However, providing decent work is shrinking across several sectors and parts of the world (ILO, 2019). To this aspect, low-waged and insecure work, forced labor are prevalent. Particularly in supply chain management. Where, supply chain management’s role is significant in the global businesses and supply chains are fundamental to whether decent work flourishes or not. Not only do supply chain dynamics shape employment practices and working conditions, but they also influence business models and capabilities which structure opportunities for decent work. However, the role of supply chains in giving rise to indecent work, especially the business practices commonly described as forced labor and modern slavery are questionable. Make an argument, how corporate social responsibility standards and business practices should avoid the forced labor involvement in the supply chain context?
APA writing conventions should be followed with a minimum of two (2) sources referenced (in the end of your answer) and cited (as appropriate within your answer). Your response (minimum of 300 words) should be a thoughtful, objective academic analysis of the concepts being learned in the course.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."