

Table of Contents

Part 1 2

1. Research methods 2

2. Features and benefits 2

3. Identifying suitable industry sectors 2

4. Suitable technology and technology services 3

5. Relevance of the research through integrity of the data 3

6. Recommendations for implementation 4

7. Sustainability impact of the research type 4

Part 2 4

1. Proposal background 4

2. Organizational issues 5

3. Suitable data collection method 5

4. Reason for the choices made 5

5. Acceptance of Agreement 6

References 7

Part A Task 1

Research methods

A research method refers to the specific technique which when adopted in research process, is used to assemble, collect and evaluate data. The tools which can be used to gather the relevant information for a research study, is defined by this process. Either used as the main form of collecting data or as a supplement to any other method, it aims to meet the demand of the research question and achieve the research objectives (Byrnes, 1998). The research data collection method has two forms, the primary and the secondary. This study will focus more on the primary form of the research method. Based on data collection testing, this primary research method is further broken down into three forms which are qualitative, quantitative, and the mixed method. The advantages, disadvantages, application, significance and importance are further explained in the following sections:

Features and benefits

The qualitative method is mainly used for evaluating and gathering data from reliable sources with detailed analysis. One of the greatest advantages of using this research method is that the ultimate data and results are authentic and reliable. On the other hand, the quantitative research method is used to generate data which has opinions of varied people as well as their own viewpoints. The advantage of this research method is that the views of an entire population is gathered or generated. Although the result and the data are difficult to analyse but exact facts and information are gathered by this research method. Mixed research method compiles the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative research methods however, conducting a mixed research method can be costly and would require significant amount of time depending on the scale of the research goal and objectives. In comparing all the three forms of research method, mixed method is most reliable and highly authentic, but the disadvantages are also related to this form of method only.

Identifying suitable industry sectors

From the analysis perspectives, the qualitative research method is mainly used for determining management logistics. For example, interviews carried out with company line managers or leaders to understand the organisation’s operational strategies or internal communications challenges comes under the qualitative research method. On the other hand, the quantitative research method is conducted mostly to analyse views and opinions of participants belonging to a group segment such as employees or staff members depending on the research question and objective. The mixed research method can be used for any segment or aspect to understand the critical aspect from both ends. As an example if a primary data collection is conducted to determine the internal communication issue in an organization a survey can be conducted among the employees to analyse the exact problem that they are facing (Hoe and Hoare, 2012). Moreover, an interview can also be conducted among the top management executives of the company to determine the strategies that they are adopting to either mitigate the challenges or improve the organisation’s internal communication process.

Suitable technology and technology services

There are various data collection methodologies that a researcher undertaking a qualitative researcher can utilise. A perceived data can take different shapes and form depending on the method of data collected. The data can be collected through interview transcripts, photos, graphical representations, recording transcriptions, field notes or other documentations. With the changing time and technology, the use of audio visual veritable and email Interviewing are increasing in qualitative research (Bacon-Shone, 2015). Email is widely commended for collecting data from large geographically distributed sample.

However, critics proclaim that collecting data via email is time consuming, expensive and need Professional training to handle. Since e-mail are in electronic format the formatting and editing might sometime require professional approach when analysing the result of a large population. Unlike e-mail the audio-visual material are more expensive and can be conducted only among selected participants (Dulebohn et al., 2012). Anonymous response according to the convenient time of the participants is not possible in this type of data collection method. However, in case of e-mail interviews incomplete responses can be generated and might require consistent follow ups. In terms of quantitative data surveys with ratings, controlled observation and closed questions are the basic criteria (Apuke, 2017). In order to remove bias for capturing testable result and verifiable data integrity and accuracy are of utmost concern. These days’ multinational as well as small and medium sized organizations conduct survey via online surveys and review ratings.

Relevance of the research through integrity of the data

The data which are collected by qualitative method share integrity in terms of accuracy and reliability of the information. On the other hand, the data which are collected by quantitative measures are mostly related to information validation, completeness and fraudulent checks tools such as SPSS and STATA allow analysis of T-test, Chi square and ANOVA (Cottrell, 1972). Data sets which are related to Eco metrics and business context, these tools allow scientific programming and performance measurements

Recommendations for implementation

In order to implement qualitative research method recommendations such as involving higher number of participants can be suggested. This will give a diversified dimension to the study. For the quantitative research method, it can be recommended that semi-structured question is incorporated. This type of question can only be asked as a suggestive measure or opinion. Most of the time when semi-structured question is involved in a research, it remains as an optional question. For the mixed method of data collection, it is recommended that online surveys and interviews are conducted. This will firstly, reduce the monitory demand to a huge extent, and secondly the time consumption will also be very less.

Sustainability impact of the research type

The sustainability of qualitative research method can be considered by involving transcripts such as soft copies and other notes or relevant documentation. Similarly, the sustainability of quantitative research method can be obtained using the observation approach. This approach might include usage of excel sheet, statistical data or SPSS. Nowadays, Nvivo is also being used for audio visual and textual data science solution. In order to maintain sustainability of research method SAS, and Rapid Miner are being used. However, the utmost sustainability in mixed method can be achieved if online primary data collection is conducted.

Part A Task 2

Proposal background

Being one of the largest retailers in the global market Amazon has consistently shown innovation and growth in business operation. However, there are certain issues in the internal operation management of the company which stands as a barrier for the company to grow. This proposal provides a great insight for the otherwise secretive company, Amazon compiled survey and interviews as the data collection method with the people working at Amazon.

Organizational issues

The feedback system at Amazon has been designed in such a way that the employees are ultimately pushed to their utmost limit (Impraise, 2020). Moreover, the weekly or monthly business reviews are held by the employees being accountable for a set of metrics. The tool is called the anytime feedback where the employees can directly send critiques and praise. For the critiques received by an employee a comprehensive way of measuring the performance of that employee is carried out. There are situation and cases where the personal problem of the employee is considered as liability after which employees are forced to undergo ‘under performance improvement plan’. This practice ultimately reduces the performance ability of the employee and hence demotivating to work further. In order to get a detailed view of this issue a primary data collection method would be conducted.

Suitable data collection method

Primarily 100 employees with of at least 5 years of experience will randomly be selected and 10 survey questions will be provided to them relating to efficiency of anytime feedback tool. Moreover 3 management executives will be selected for interview. This interview will focus on the intention, strategies and future scope of this tool according to the management. This survey has been selected for understanding the views opinion and experiences of the employees working over there. Alongside the interview would be collected for evaluating better strategies that can be implemented for improving this internal operation system.

This research implementation plan involves, collecting, preparing, analysing and interpreting data. Once the research has been approved, the fieldwork preparing will commence. Based on the approved research methodology, this can involve sending electronic letters to participants obtaining consent to participate, scheduling interviews and focus group discussions, designing online surveys and arranging participation of employees and so forth. Upon completion of preparation, the data collecting, and processing will commence. Once data collection has been satisfied and coded, the data interpretation will follow. The process will be iterative based on testing, feedback obtained, and re-testing based on the frame of analysis. The final activity in the implementation involves organising the findings into a format sharable with others. At this stage, a qualitative research report is written in a descriptive or narrative style using observations, quotes from participants, graphs and diagrams to represent findings. A quantitative research report will be written using graphs, tables and diagrams. A report on a mixed method will be used for the reporting styles.

Reason for the choices made

Survey has been selected as the primary data collection from employees because the tool is mostly used to analyse the performance of the employees. Therefore, collecting data directly from the employees would provide the researchers with reliable and authentic information. Among the 10 survey question the last question would be optional that would ask for suggestive measures directly from the employees. The data that would be received will further help to analyse the psychological and emotional impact that the tool has on the employees. From this analysis suggestive measures could be suggested to the management that might later improve the operation of this tool. These methods the existing issue and provide further recommendation to the internal operation system of Amazon.

A one-page summary of what was done and what has been found, a list of research inputs, A brief description of the research written clearly and simply detailing the problem, goals, objectives and methodology, the environmental review will describe the context for the applied research (industry and population) and previous research in the field, the methodology will be attached to the report detailing the purpose of your study, outline the discussion, findings in relation to the research questions with implications for the client (if applicable) and recommendations for implementation structured according to the research questions and key themes in the data, pictures, tables and graphs will be used to break up large- amounts of texts and serve as quick point of reference a conclusion encapsulating everything together to answer the research questions, and a short reflection on the research process can be improved and lastly, the methodology, and ethics approval, sampling strategy and methods used to collect data and who participated in the research (within confidentiality constraints) will also be shared as an attachment.

Acceptance of Agreement

I hereby certify that I have received the necessary project deliverable from the researcher, and I understand the data that would be collected are completely for academic purposes. The deliverable has been illustrated and demonstrated or otherwise reaches my satisfaction level. I further also release and certify that any further obligation will not be projected and concern support for this project will be extended throughout the entire procedure.





Apuke, O., 2017. Quantitative Research Methods: A Synopsis Approach. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, [online] 6(11), pp.40-47. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 May 2020].

Bacon-Shone, J., 2015. Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods. Quantitative Research Methods, [online] 3(2), p.345. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 May 2020].

Byrnes, J. P. (1998). The nature and development of decision-making: A self-regulation model. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum

Cottrell, N.B. (1972). Social Facilitation. In C. McClintock (ed.), Experimental Social Psychology (pp. 185-236). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Doing Applied Research in Victoria TAFE Institutes (2019), An Introductory Guide [online] Available at: [Accessed 6th May 2020].

Dulebohn, James H.; Bommer, William H.; Liden, Robert C.; Brouer, Robyn L.; Ferris, Gerald R. (2012). “A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Leader-Member Exchange Integrating the Past With an Eye Toward the Future”. Journal of Management. 38 (6): 1715–1759. doi:10.1177/0149206311415280

Hoe, J. and Hoare, Z., 2012. Understanding quantitative research: part 1. Nursing Standard, [online] 27(15), pp.52-57. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2020].

Impraise, 2020. The Amazon Controversy: What Is Missing In Its Performance Management | Impraise. [online] Impraise. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 May 2020].


Table of Contents

Part 1 2

1. Research questions 2

2. Reason for the Question and Intended Outcomes 2

3. Significance of the Study 3

Part 2 4

1. Research Strategy 4

2. Research Design 4

3. Research Methodology 5

4. Ethical Considerations 5

5. Research Environment 6

6. Data Sources 7

7. Population and Sampling 7

8. Data Collection Strategy 8

9. Data Collection Method 9

10. Methods of Data Anlysis 10

11. Reliability and Validity of Analysis 10

12. Research Hypothesis 11

13. Research Limitations 12

References 13

Part B Task 1


Statement of the Problem

This research aims to align Company XYZ’s Learning and Development curriculum with the competencies staff members need to support the organisation’s digital transformation efforts for the next 5 to 10 years. The findings of this research served as the basis for the proposed action plan.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

Research GoalMain Research Question
Align XYZ’s Learning and Development curriculum with the competencies staff members need to support the organisation’s digital transformation efforts?How might XYZ improve its learning and development curriculum to help XYZ staff members develop their digital capabilities for a successful digital transformation?
Applied Research ObjectivesResearch Sub-question?
To identify the core competencies XYZ staff members need to support XYZ’s digital learning strategyWhich staff competencies are most important to XYZ’s Digital Transformation efforts? Why?
To identify gaps between the core competencies and the capabilities XYZ’s learning and development currently offerWhich of the core competencies identified by XYZ are delivered in the current curriculum and which are not?
To determine strategies to improve XYZ’s learning and development curriculum courses in relation to the core competenciesWhere do gaps in competencies exist in the current curriculum and delivery models and how can they be addressed?

Reason for the Question and Outcomes

There is no doubt that digital transformation has arrived in the travel industry and that is fostering in an era of change. This will become more apparent than ever in 2020. Any company in the travel, tourism, or hospitality industry, will need to adopt these changes fast in order to stay ahead (Thorn, 2020). “Technology pervades every area of tourism and must be given the highest priority when developing the workforce for the industry,” said a 2016 report from the United Nations World Travel Organization. XYZ has had several successful digital projects to improve the external customer experience through digital platforms for the last 5 years. This however is just one facet of the digital transformation efforts XYZ is gearing towards. To ensure XYZ’s survival and success in the new area, the organisation needs to look at the digital transformation from a holistic perspective, this includes one of most critical facets which is the employee’s digital capabilities. This research aims to align XYZ’s Learning and Development curriculum with the competencies staff members need to support the organisation’s digital transformation efforts for the next 5 to 10 years.

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Employees. They will benefit from the study by knowing what digital capabilities to upskill to help them perform more effectively during the organisation’s digital transformation.

Supervisors and Managers. They will benefit from the study by knowing the areas of digital capabilities they need to improve and work with their subordinates to ensure that the purpose and goals of the organisation’s digital transformation is being met and fulfilled.

HR/People and Culture Department. The research findings will provide an overview of utilising a structured learning and development curriculum that is more aligned with the organisation’s digital transformation strategy.

Clients. They will benefit through improved employee capabilities, performance and morale gaining competitive advantage in a widely saturated and challenging industry. Employees equipped with the right digital capabilities will support operational performance, customer service experience and engage more employees for longer periods.

Travel Agencies. They will benefit by gaining knowledge of having a learning and development curriculum that is consistent to the business’s overall digital transformation strategy.

Researcher. The findings of the study will help determine action plans to align the business’s Learning and Development curriculum with the competencies staff members need to support the organisation’s digital transformation efforts for the next 5 to 10 years.

Future Researchers. The result of this study may be used as a future reference data in conducting new applied researches. This will also serve as a cross reference that will give them a background on aligning the organisation’s learning and development curriculum with the strategy efforts.

Part B Task 2


Getting Started

This research project starts with identifying and clarifying the problem, developing a research question, setting goals and objectives and choosing an appropriate plan to collect and analyse data (methodology). The research proposal and recommendation will guide the planning process and is developed in consultation with the stakeholders such as the leaders, managers, HR, CPO, and P&C team at the company. Once complete, the research proposal is ready for approval by the clients. Ethics approval may be required if people are involved in this applied research design.


These steps involve identifying; collecting, analysing and interpreting the data collected using selected research methods and techniques. They can be a simultaneous activity to make sure there is enough quality data to answer the research questions. Once draft findings are determined, tested and evaluated, they can be recorded in a draft report and initial presentation to the client.

Sharing Results

The quality criteria involve obtaining feedback from peers and/or leaders on the draft findings of the research, their relevance to the research question and the reliability and integrity of the research process. An important part of applied research is reflective practice by the researcher/s before a research project is finalised and findings are shared with a client. Finally, depending on the nature of the research, the results are applied into the broader L&D digital capabilities learning and development curriculum, the research cycle starts again as new questions, ideas, problems, and challenges spark further inquiry.


The research design is intended to provide an appropriate framework for a study. A significant decision in research design process is the choice to be made regarding research approach since it determines how relevant information for a study will be obtained; however, the research design process involves many interrelated decisions (Aaker, Kumar, and George, 2000).

This research used a mixed type of methods. This research utilised both qualitative and quantitative methods from primary and secondary sources to address the study’s research goals and objectives. The qualitative data supports the analysis and results of quantitative data. The first part of this research employed a series of questionnaires that are well structured and interviews that are semi-structured for the respondents (management and employees). The other method used is an interview to give the employees the opportunity to express how they feel about the level of support they get from a learning and development perspective. The research context, sources of data and sampling techniques were discussed in the further sections.

Research Polices and Ethics Considerations

In planning and carrying out a research project researcher should consider their responsibilities to the participants and respondents, to those sponsoring the research, and to the wider research community (Cameron and Price, 2009, p. 121). The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code) will serve as a valuable framework for carrying out this research and ensure that the integrity is maintained throughout the process by providing the principles of research and setting out the responsibilities of organisations and the researchers. The Code sets out useful guidelines for ensuring that responsible research is practised. The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2018) provides a more specific framework for research involving human participants: Values and Principles of Ethical Conduct, Themes in Research Ethics: Risks and Benefit, Consent, Ethical considerations in the design, development, review and conduct of research, Ethical considerations specific to Participants and Processes of Research Governance and Ethical Review.

Ethical approval will be obtained from the Head of Human Resource, People and Culture Department. Official consent letters were written to obtain consent from the research participants or respondents. People and culture to the respective departments. The purpose of the study will be explained to the research respondents. The study subjects will be advised that the information they provided was kept confidential and that their identities would not be revealed in association with the information they provided. Informed consent will be secured from each participant. For bad working environment assessment findings, feedback will be given to all departments involved in the study. There is a plan to give a copy of the result to the respective study departments. The respondents’ privacy and their responses will not be individually analysed and included in the report.

Research Environment

This research will be conducted at XYZ Travel Group. This travel group has been operating for over 80 years with its main office headquarters in Melbourne Victoria. XYZ Travel Group is an Australian tour and river cruising operator with worldwide reach.

From humble beginnings that date back to 1925, the company now has a total of 350 full time and part time employees operating as a global business with an extensive portfolio of touring and cruising brands spread across global offices in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Germany, and Canada. The distinct brands enable the XYZ Travel Group to deliver an unwavering focus on unforgettable holiday experiences for everyone. As Australia’s largest locally owned tour company and most awarded, it maintains an unparalleled commitment to innovation in defining what travel means, not only in Australia but the world.

Data Sources

Primary data sources

The primary data sources will be obtained from the original source of information. The primary data will show more reliability and carry out higher level confidence of decision making with trusted analysis due to the direction interaction with the events that have occurred. The primary data sources are the XYZ employees taking on different roles in the organisation (managers and team-members) (virtual interviews, online questionnaires and online discussions)

Secondary Data Sources

Data will be collected from various secondary sources through a desk review. This includes existing people and culture strategy, learning and development curriculum, learning resources and materials. Secondary data sources have also been obtained through industry articles and reports as well as some management documents. Reputable journals, articles and websites and other resources will be considered on the tourism and travel sectors. The data obtained from existing working documents such as position descriptions, manuals, and standard policies and procedures will also be considered.

For this research study, the desk review will be completed to this end, and will be iterated and modified based on the reports, documents and data sources obtained.

Population and sampling

Population refers to the complete set of individuals (subjects or events) having common characteristics in which the researcher is interested. The population of the study was determined based on random sampling system (Fraenkel and Warren, 2002). This research uses a random sampling procedure. This data collection will be conducted from 15th to the 20th of May 2020 using a judgemental or purposive sampling technique to decide and make judgement on who to include in the sample for the interview method. Using a convenience sampling technique, the researcher will engage with those participants in the research survey who are easiest to include.

The sample unit of this research are representative employees from different departments at XYZ Travel Group based on role designation, tenure and roles they play in the digital efforts even though the criterions were difficult to satisfy. Figure 2 shows the breakdown with corresponding frequency and percentage of distribution:

Figure 2. Research Respondents

Customer Service and Sales Specialists218.18
Retail and Sales Specialists218.18
Coach and Development Specialist19.09
Head of Organisational Development19.09
Senior Learning and Development Consultant19.09
Knowledge Management Specialist19.09
Product Coordinator19.09
RACV Cruises Manager19.09
Implementation Manager19.09

In this study, both probability (simple random sampling) and nonprobability (convenience, quota, purposive, and judgmental) sampling methods will be used as the nature of the roles are varied. This is because of the characteristics of data sources which permitted the researchers to follow the multi-methods. This helps the analysis stage to separate the data obtained and increase the reliability of the research outcome and its decision.


The sources for primary data are both qualitative and quantitative. The sources for qualitive data are virtual interviews and informal discussion, while quantitative data are online survey questionnaires and interview question. The method of data collection from both sources are elaborated in the further sections:

Data Collection Methods

Data collection through interview

The qualitative in-depth interview is a loosely structured data collection approach to obtain data from the people who are considered to have a significant amount of knowledge about the subject matter. The semi-structured interview conducted in a virtual face to face setting which allows the researcher to gain new insights, ask questions and assess the circumstances from different viewpoints or perspectives. Both interviews are done using a virtual platform (Skype for Business). It permits the researcher to obtain in-depth data about the current factors and consequences that influence and impact the working environment in the business. It has provided opportunities to refine the efforts of data collection and processes. The interview is used by the researcher to separate the data obtained from other primary and secondary sources of data.

This research will also be conducted using a qualitative approach and interviews. The interview method gives the research respondents the opportunity to share some information that the researcher may have not anticipated. Interviews with managers and team-members were conducted by the researcher on a virtual face to face basis through Skype for Business and will be recorded for transcription.

Data collection through questionnaires

According to a research by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill. (2009), the main tool for gaining primary information in practical research is questionnaires, since the researcher can decide on the sample and the types of questions to be asked.

Each respondent in this research is requested to answer an identical list of questions mixed to prevent biases. The questionnaire was designed from the sub-topics based on a unified structure. The questionnaires have consequently provided valuable data required to achieve the goals and objectives of this research.

The questionnaire developed were based on both free style and Likert Scale. Free form questions were provided to gather answers relevant to the research questions while the Likert scale statement used a point Likert-type scale for which 1 = strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. The Likert scale responses were summed up to produce scores for measurement. This online questionnaire will survey form designed in a Microsoft Office 365 application called Forms.

Secondary data collection methods

The secondary data refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user. This data source gives insights of the research area of the current state-of-the-art method. It also makes some sort of research gap that needs to be filled by the researcher. This secondary data sources could be internal and external data sources of information that may cover a wide range of areas (Sileyew, 2019).

To achieve the objectives of this research, the researcher will review the company documents and reports as well as industry reports and articles in both online and offline modes.

A literature search will be conducted using the database sources like Discovery, XYZ connect, SSS Survey, Culture Amp, Personnel Drive,,,, tourism review and and other related materials. The search strategy was focused on the existing curriculum, manuals, and reports that measure one or more facets of the research design. Unrelated articles to the research design and objectives were excluded. Discrepancies were identified and resolved before the review of the main articles commenced. A review of the items collated will then be conducted to identify any missing elements that is paramount to the research interest.

Methods of Data Analysis

The methods used to analyse the data are listed in the further sections. This data analysis answers the basic questions in the problem statement. The details analysis of the digital capabilities in the industry and the company were analysed, compared, discussed and integrate.

Quantitative data analysis is based on their data type using Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Office Word Format, and other tools. The data will be obtained from both primary and secondary data obtained in the earlier sections. This analysis focuses on the numerical data collected.

Qualitative data analysis is used for the separation of the quantitative data analysis. The interviews. Discussions, and report records supported the findings. The analysis will be integrated with the quantitative results.

Data Analysis Software

This researcher will use SPSS 20. O on Windows 10 to analyse the data collected. The SPSS software will contribute to the research findings during analysis including its validation and correctness. The data entered in the SPSS software will be analysed and compared with the results of different variables in the research questionnaires. Microsoft Excel application will be utilised to help calculate some solutions for analysis.

The reliability and validity of data analysis

The reliability analysis will be checked for consistency and stability of data. The researcher checked the procedure of measurement to ensure accuracy and precision. The reliability of measurements specifies the amount to which it is without bias (error free) and hence ensures consistent measurement across time and across the various items in the instrument (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010). The measurement has fulfilled to the reliability requirements when the results produced during the data analysis procedure remained consistent. Reliability has numerous definitions and approaches, but in several environments, the concept comes to be consistent (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010).

According to Babbie, E. (2020), face validity is defined as an indicator that makes it seem a reasonable measure of some variables, and it is the subjective judgement that the instrument measured what it intends to measure in terms of relevance (Polit and Beck, 2008). The researcher will make that uncertainties were eliminated during the development of the instruments by using words and concepts to enhance the reliability and validity of data.

Research Hypothesis

According to Verma and Beard (1981, p. 184) ‘in many cases hypotheses are hunches that the researcher has about the existence of relationships between variables. A hypothesis differs from a research question in several ways. The main difference is that a question is specific and asks about the relationship between different aspects of a problem or issue, whereas a hypothesis suggests a possible answer to the problem, which can then be tested empirically.

This research uses a directional hypothesis wherein the researcher has made a prediction about the expected outcomes, based on the prediction on prior literature and studies on this topic that suggest a potential outcome.

Directional Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1: XYZ staff members will perform tasks more efficiently and effectively with the upskilling of the identified digital core competencies.

Hypothesis 2. The gaps identified between the identified core competencies and the competencies in the current curriculum will increase XYZ’s operational performance and delivery in the digital age.

Hypothesis 3. When the gaps are addressed in the current curriculum and delivery models, XYZ will have a learning and development curriculum that is more aligned to the company’s digital transformation efforts.

Limitations of the study

The research study will be during a time when the entire company population has been asked to work from home, hence the job observation was not considered as part of the data collection method. As most employees have also been asked to stand down, the number of research respondents for this research is based on those that are easiest to include. This research will be conducted with 11 participants from different areas of the business.

As the research aims to determine that internal digital capabilities for the company to develop, this research have been conducted with the internal employees at the company’s headquarters. Although we have attempted to interview all the employees this will not possible.

The survey conducted in this research will not for the most part represent the whole population, but it will lead the teams to a sample of diverse perspectives and viewpoints from which to draw the findings. While the research will be rigorously conducted and validated, the results will be limited by the research sample size. As a result, the digital capabilities identified by the research are on the capabilities that currently exist in the company and the industry. It is possible that the additional digital capabilities not identified in this research may develop in the future as the company becomes more comfortable with its strategic and operational strategies including the employees that have been upskilled.

Where there is historical data pertaining to the research questions and materials, there is a lack of data and consistent measures of quality assurance within the organisation. It can be speculated that the reason for this company’s focus on digital transformation at this point is the development of digital platforms rather than the digital capabilities of the employees. The development of measures to the assess the performance of the company’s digital capability performance is a topic for future research.

This research will use commercially available data analysis method to analyse the data collected. Despite the fact the questionnaire has identical content and structure, this represents piece of information for a single facet in this research so results may vary from other data sources. This is especially true when we the researcher analyses the topics, where interview and surveys provide a limited sample.

The complexity of this research was evident by a variety of conditions within the company and the industry. The same complexity created some significant barriers for this research. For example: the research will be conducted during a time when the entire operations have become virtual and online and the timing was not favourable due to changing business priorities to cope with external national crises, standing down of employees, cutting costs, and redundancies of roles within the company.


Abago S., 2017. Impact of Learning and Development on Employees Performance, (pp 32). University of Cebu, ETEEAP Research Study.

Aeker A, Kumar VD, George S., 2017. Marketing Research New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 May 2020].

Babbie E. 2020. The Practice of Social Research. 12th Edition Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 May 2020).

Doing Applied Research in Victoria TAFE Institutes (2019), An Introductory Guide [online] Available at: [Accessed 6th May 2020].

Elizabeth, T. 2020. How Digital Transformation Will Revolutionise The Travel Industry in 2020, [online] Available at [Accessed 5th May 2020].

Frankeal FJ, Warren NE., 2002. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. 4th Edition New York: McGraw Hill, [online] Available at: [Accessed 12th May 2020].

Open Learn, 2020. Understanding different research perspectives. [online] Available at [Accessed on 12th May 2020].

Polit DF, Beck CY., 2008. Generating and Assessing Evidence of Nursing Practice. 8th Ed. Williams and Wilkins; Lippincott. [online] Available at [Accessed 13th May 2020]

Sileyew, K., 2019. Research Design and Methodology, [online] Available at [Accessed 10th May 2020)

Sekaran U, Bougie R., 2010. Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach. 5th Ed. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited, [online] Available at [Accessed on 11th May 2020].

Saunders M., Lewis P., Thornhill A. 2009. A Research Methods for Business Students. 5th ed. Edinburgh Gate. [online] Available at[Accessed on 11th May 2020].

The Open University, 2019. Understanding Research Perspectives, [online] Available at [Accessed on 11th May 2020].

Universities Australia, Australian Government, 2018. Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research. [online] Available at [Accessed on 9th May 2020].

Part C –Project Instructions The assessment requires you to create and lead the project. The project should be based on your project proposal and question that was submitted in the Part A. (Minimum 1000 words)

Task 1

Refine and define your project.

The project needs to cover all aspects of research for your question identified in Part A Task 1. Ensure correct referencing is used.

Ensure you address the following:

● Create policies and procedures in relation to conduction applied research in an enterprise

● Ethics and codes of conduct relevant to research

● Analysis of factors that may affect the reliability and validity of the data collected

● Review data and research findings for accuracy of details and any legal requirements

Task 2

Lead your project

You will now run your Applied Research Project as per your plans, policies and procedures you have developed. (minimum 850 words)

You are to write a report using a minimum of 850 words in which you will present your results including but not limited to:

● Relevance of collated and analysed data compared to your original strategy. Did you remain true?

● Evaluate the impact of your findings such as trends and changes and recommend an implementation strategy.

● Detail lessons learned in the process-Document and present research findings in a clear and logical manner consistent with audience needs)

● Identify future research opportunities and an appropriate approach

● How will you promote your findings?

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You might be focused on looking for a cheap essay writing service instead of searching for the perfect combination of quality and affordable rates. You need to be aware that a cheap essay does not mean a good essay, as qualified authors estimate their knowledge realistically. At the same time, it is all about balance. We are proud to offer rates among the best on the market and believe every student must have access to effective writing assistance for a cost that he or she finds affordable.

Caring support 24/7

If you need a cheap paper writing service, note that we combine affordable rates with excellent customer support. Our experienced support managers professionally resolve issues that might appear during your collaboration with our service. Apply to them with questions about orders, rates, payments, and more. Contact our managers via our website or email.

Non-plagiarized papers

“Please, write my paper, making it 100% unique.” We understand how vital it is for students to be sure their paper is original and written from scratch. To us, the reputation of a reliable service that offers non-plagiarized texts is vital. We stop collaborating with authors who get caught in plagiarism to avoid confusion. Besides, our customers’ satisfaction rate says it all.

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