PG_PLO1.2_Oral Communication_Task3

PG_PLO1.2_Oral Communication_Task3


PG_PLO1.2_Oral Communication_Task3 Name

Levels of Achievement
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Engagement and
response to the
85.00 to 100.00 %
Polished: Actively elicits
meaningful audience
engagement and
interaction. Provide
insightful and informative
responses to audience
questions and comments.
75.00 to 84.00 %
Confdent : Elicits
audience engagement
and interaction. Provide
thoughtful and
informative responses to
audience questions and
65.00 to 74.00 %
Engaging: Engages the
audience through
opportunities for
interaction. Responds
appropriately to
audience questions
and comments.
50.00 to 64.00 %
Adequate: Engages
the audience
through minimal
Generally responsive
to audience
questions and
0.00 to 49.00 %
Limited to no
engagement with
audience. Limited or
no opportunities for
questions or
responses to any
comments made or
questions raised.
Clarity, logic and
flow of arguments
85.00 to 100.00 %
Synthesised: Clearly
articulates logical arguments
that are comprehensive and
flow seamlessly. Synthesises
ideas to provide a balanced
perspective and present
arguments based on
consideration of the
complexities of an issue.
Presents a compelling and
precise conclusion focusing
on key ideas and
synthesised arguments.
75.00 to 84.00 %
Integrated: Clearly
articulates logical
arguments that are well
integrated and easy to
follow. Present
arguments grounded in a
specifc position while
integrating differing
perspectives and
accounting for the
complexities of an issue.
Presents a persuasive yet
concise conclusion
focusing on key ideas and
integrated arguments.
65.00 to 74.00 %
Balanced: Presents
arguments that are
clear and logical with
most points being easy
to follow. Delivers
balance arguments
that acknowledge
different viewpoints.
Ends with a useful
conclusion focused on
key ideas and
supporting arguments.
50.00 to 64.00 %
Adequate: Clearly
presents ideas and
arguments that
logical and mostly
flow. Provides a
conclusion focusing
on key ideas.
0.00 to 49.00 %
Presentation is
confusing, difcult
to follow and noncompelling due to
lack of logic and
clarity. Presentation
ends without a
conclusion or
provision of an
adequate conclusion
covering key points.
Rubric Detail
Levels of Achievement
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Use of appropriate
verbal and nonverbal
(posture, gesture,
eye contact, and
85.00 to 100.00 %
Polished: Extensively and
elegantly uses highly
relevant discipline-based
vocabulary to persuasively
and fluently communicate
meaning. Sophisticatedly
uses light and shade in tone
and appropriate pace.
Professionally uses highly
appropriate posture and
effective gestures to engage
the audience. No reliance on
notes or reading from the
screen allowing for
consistent eye contact
across the entire audience.
75.00 to 84.00 %
Professional: Extensively
uses highly relevant
vocabulary to skillfully
and articulately
communicate meaning.
Skillfully uses light and
shade in tone and steady
pace. Skillfully uses
appropriate posture and
relevant gestures to
engage the audience.
Minimal use of notes or
reading from the screen
allowing for good eye
contact across the
65.00 to 74.00 %
Competent: Uses
appropriate and
relevant discipline
based language to
convey meaning with
clarity. Uses effective
tone and pace.
Effectively uses
posture and gestures
to engage the
audience. Limited use
of notes allowing for
appropriate level of
eye contact with the
50.00 to 64.00 %
Capable: Uses
language that is
mostly relevant to
the discipline to
convey meaning.
Appropriately uses
tone and pace. Some
over reliance on
notes or reading
from the screen
which only allows
minimal eye contact
with the audience.
0.00 to 49.00 %
Ineffective use of
vocabulary, tone
and pace, and/or
body language.
Overreliance on
notes or reading
from the screen
which prevents
adequate eye
contact with the
Use of effective
time management
85.00 to 100.00 %
Demonstrates highly
effective time management
in terms of allocation of
time to parts and
completing the task on time.
75.00 to 84.00 %
Demonstrates effective
time management in
terms of allocation of
time to parts and
completing the task on
65.00 to 74.00 %
adequate time
management in terms
of allocation of time to
parts and completing
the task on time.
50.00 to 64.00 %
could be improved
in terms of
allocation of time to
parts and
completing the task
on time
0.00 to 49.00 %
ineffective time
management in
terms of allocation
of time to parts and
completing the task
on time.
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