Practical Examples Of Different Needs Assessment Approaches

Practical Examples Of Different Needs Assessment Approaches



Topic 1 : Discussion Topic 1: Needs Assessment And Types Of Need

Consider the four types of needs outlined in Bradshaw’s framework cited in Naidoo & Wills (2009) and the competition between individual and population needs, experts and community members as outlined by Stevens (1998) and Wadsworth (2011). What in your opinion are the best ways to determine which needs take priority? What are the risks of giving more credence to experts over community members and vice versa?

Discussion Topic 2: Practical Examples Of Different Needs Assessment Approaches

Reflect on your own practice and the different needs assessment approaches described in the readings this week.

How might the nature and type of a community targeted for a health program influence the approach taken for needs assessment? (eg, strength-based approach/appreciative inquiry, service/condition focused needs assessment or rapid appraisal). Give some examples of the way in which a needs assessment can be used to benefit both communities and practice. Have you had any experience in involving communities within needs assessment? If you have, please reflect upon your experiences.

Using the readings, consider the benefits of developing both a program theory/theory of change and a logic model.  What might be some of the risks of failing to specify a program theory?

Take the example of a program that has a goal of reducing childhood obesity in a disadvantaged community.  Outline some possible objectives and strategies for this program including multiple levels as described in Keleher et al (2006) p121.  What are some potential challenges to implementing this program plan (e.g. access and equity issues, ethical issues)? Explain your response.

Compare the case studies of needs assessment and program planning provided in Laverack & Labonte (2000) and Pilotto et al. (2011). Describe the factors that you think led to the success of their models of engaging community members in program planning. Think about the role resources such as funding, staff and the nature of the communities involved played. Using the previous example of childhood obesity, what strategies or activities could potentially be used to empower and engage a disadvantaged community to address this issue? Suggest some indicators that you could use to measure the progress of your efforts

According to the readings, communication (Central Sydney Area Health Service, 1994; Frieden, 2014) and stakeholder engagement (Perry et al, 1996) are important for the successful implementation of programs.  Reflect on your own practice and describe the communication and stakeholder engagement methods you would use to build support for your health service or program among professionals? What methods would you use to support community engagement? What potential obstacles do you foresee in terms of implementation if communication and stakeholder engagement are absent?

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