Prompt: Complete a Strategic and Operational Analysis of your Organization
Prompt: Complete a Strategic and Operational Analysis of your Organization – Part II: Continue to add additional pieces to your Strategic and Operational Analysis. Continuous improvement is a way of thinking that needs to be incorporated into a firm’s culture. The philosophy of continuous improvement is captured in the plan-docheck-act (PDCA) cycle proposed by W. Edwards Deming. At the corporate level,
organizations embrace continuous improvement through personnel development programs, competing for the Baldrige National Quality Award, adopting process quality captured in ISO 9000 standards, and adopting programs such as Six Sigma and Lean Service (Bordoloi, p. 149). Based on your industry, research 2 to 3 potential problems that might impact your organization. Using Deming’s PDCA Cycle,
perform an analysis of those problems that you have identified using the quality tools available to you. Use Table 7.1, “Problem-Solving Steps in the PDCA Cycle,” on p. 189, as an example of the problem-solving process to follow. On pp. 190-193, there are a few tools that you can utilize that will aid you in the data analysis and provide a foundation for decision-making. Some of these tools include a Check Sheet, Run
Chart, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Flowchart, Cause-and-Effect Diagram, Scatter Diagram, and Control Chart. Use one or more of these tools to help you in your analysis. Additionally, supply chain management is a total systems approach to delivering manufactured products to the end customer. Using information technology to coordinate all elements of the supply chain from parts suppliers to retailers achieves a
level of integration that is a competitive advantage not available in traditional logistics systems. (Bordoloi, p. 250). Supply chain modeling enables managers to evaluate which options will provide the greatest improvement in customer satisfaction at reasonable costs. (Bordoloi, p. 250). Part 1 of this assignment is to draw a supply or value chain of your organizational goods or services. Use Figure 9.1, “Supply Chain
for Physical Goods” on p. 250, as a guide to complete this part of the assignment. Services can be considered as acting on people’s minds (e.g., education, entertainment, religion), bodies (e.g., transportation, lodging, health care), belongings (e.g., auto repair, dry cleaning, banking), and information (e.g., tax preparation, insurance, legal defense). Thus, all services act on something provided by the customer (Bordoloi, p. 250). Part 2 of this assignment is to draw the bidirectional relationships between the service delivery organization, its supplier, and the customer. Use Figure 9.3, “Service Supply Bidirectional Relationships,” on p. 250 as a guide to complete this part of the assignment. Make sure to provide details around these drawings that explain what is happening in each of the components and
how the components are interrelated. Include your perspective of operations management in the modern economy and how
a Christian worldview affects organizational decision-making. How might a Christian worldview be used to assist in the strategic and operational analysis discussed in this paper?
o Requirements: This is the continuation of the development of a Strategic and Operational Analysis for your organization. The Strategic Analysis is a piece of your final deliverable which is to complete a Strategic and Operational Analysis that identifies your organization’s competitive environment, how your organization will be organized to operate (processes, metrics, quality, capacity) within this environment,
and how you will allocate resources to meet the demands of this environment. This assignment is a continuation of the Strategic and Operational Analysis that you created in Unit 2. This assignment will include an additional 4-6 pages of content (required Cover Page, Executive Summary, and APA References Section not included in this page count), which includes the tools listed above and your explanation of what these tools mean for your organization.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."